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Office Bu R.F. and A.L.
Columbus, Miss Feb 26 68

Sunderland J.W. Lieut
D.O. & A.A.Q.M. Bureau &c. V-Burg Miss

I have the honor to transmit herewith the following vouchers for payment.

Vouchers for Jesse  Shepard for services $99.17
Vouchers for Rent of office Fred Thyler 35.00
Abstract of purchase & Requisition for fuel $5.50

I have also expended $8.76 for postage which I am unable to forward on account of not being supplied with blanks. If you would be kind enough to make a voucher for postage from 17th of Jany to 29th of Feby & forward to me I will sign & return the same. My reasons for forwarding vouchers so soon, is because I have a leave of absence for four months granted me, & am only awaiting for payment in order to settle my accounts. If you will be kind enough to favor me I will be much obliged. I am sir
Very Respt your Obdt Svt
James Kelly
Capt. 34th U.S. Inft & SAC
pr Shepard clk

Columbus Miss Feby 28 1868

Allen H.T.
Buena Vista Chickasaw County Miss

Information [[strikethrough]] in regard [[/strikethrough]] is required in regard to the whereabouts of Jake Murdock & Anna Thompson.

As these parties made an affidavit before you on the 12th inst. in relation to crop taken from them, by one name of John T. Murdock, you will be kind enough to inform me where these parties reside, at your earliest convenience.

Very Respt
James Kelly
Capt 34th Inft SAC

703# Office Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Columbus, Miss 
Feby 28 1868

Sunderland Lt. J.W.
D.O. & A.A.Q.M. Bu &c. V-Burg Miss.

Since I have taken charge of this office a number of trips have been taken to investigate matters pertaining to the Bu R.F. and A.L.

The expenses incurred in travelling five (5) of these trips have been $18.00, but as I did not expect to be paid for the same, the dates have escaped my memory.

One of these trips was over twenty miles, and another was made by Mr. Shepard & a guide, which was 30 miles, being detained two nights & two days.

Please be kind enough to inform me if these expenses can be paid, without the dates being mentioned.

I am sir
Very Respt
Your Obdt Svt.
James Kelly
Capt 34th Inft & SAC

704# Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Columbus Miss. 
Feby 29 1868

Barber, Lieut Merritt
A.A.A. Genl Bu &c V-Burg Miss

I have the honor to make the following report for this Sub. Dist for the month of Feby 1868.

The greater part of the contracts being made for the present year, the object now in view is to see that both the Employer & Employees abide by the same.

Cases are being referred to this office most every day, in regard to the Freedmen breaking their contracts & making new ones, but as I have no authority to make them return, I am awaiting the decision of General Gillem regarding all such cases.