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A few cases of destitution have been referred to this office in the past month, which have been turned over to the Supt. of the Poor.

I have been informed by the Supt of the schools supported by the Friends Society, that the Teachers and himself are to leave for the north in a few days, as they have received orders from the Society to return to their homes.

The conduct of the Whites toward the colored race is far from being just in many cases. In settling with the Freedmen at the end of the year, the great bone of Contention appears to be that all of their earnings are taken to pay for supplies.

Reports have been made from reliable resources that numbers of Freedmen are renting small portions of land, & contriving to make an honest support.

During the past month there has been sixty one cases reported, all of which have been satisfactorily adjudicated or referred to the proper authorities as follows.

Laborers Claims                    30
Assault & Battery                   4
Detaining Property                 10
Difficulties between Husband & wife 8
Discharged without settlement        5
Violence threatened                 4
61 cases

I am Lieutenant
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
James Kelly
Capt 34th Inft & SAC

705# Office B.R.F. and A.L.
Columbus, Miss 
March 2 1868

Smith, Geo. S.
Agent &c

I have the honor to transmit herewith certified copies of the communications from Bvt Maj. Genl J.L. Donaldson, Chf. Q.M. &c & endorsement thereon from Brig. General Whittlesey, relative to sale of the Government Warehouse in Columbus.

I am Sir
Very Respt
Your Obdt. Servt
James Kelly
Capt. 34 Inft & SAC

706# Office Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Columbus, Miss 
March 2 68

Collins, Robt. M.
West Point, Miss.

The money your left at this office has been paid to Tom Simmons except the $5.00 which you say I promised to pay you.

The $5.00 as above mentioned is still in the Bank, but as Simmons says you retained $9.00 of his money, I will await until a settlement can be made between you, before paying the amount to either party. A just settlement is all that is required.

Very Respt
James Kelly
Capt. 34th U.S. Inft & SAC