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Office Bureau R.F and A.L.
Columbus, Miss 
March 24. 68

Pease H.R. Genl. Supt of Ed for Miss.
V-burg Miss

I have the honor to request a supply of blank forms, viz:

Form 2 Report of Schools
Form 4 Teachers School Report
Form's Account Current
Form 11 Vouchers for Service

Each teacher being required to make a School Report, a larger supply of blanks are required at this office.

Very Respt Your Obdt Servt
Bvt. Major USA Sub Asst Comr
W.H. Bartholomew

717# Office Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Columbus, Miss 
March 30 1868

Sunderland, Lieut J.W.
D.O. A.A.Q.M. Bu &c V-Burg Miss

I have the honor to transmit herewith vouchers for payment.

Vouchers of Jesse C Shepard for services as clerk $99.17
Vouchers of Fred Thyler for rent of office 35.00

I am Lieut
Very Respt Your Obdt Servt
W.H. Bartholomew
Bvt Major USA and SAC


718# Office Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Columbus, Miss 
March 31, 1868

Cromwell, Hannah
Artesia, Miss

Your communication addressed to Bvt Major Genl Ord has been received at this office.

Please notify this office of your P.O. address, in order that the papers may be forwarded.

Very Respectfully
W.H. Bartholomew
Bvt Major USA & Sub Asst Comr.

719# Office Bureau R. F. and A.L.
Columbus, Miss 
April 1 1868

Palmer F.S. Col.
Memphis Tenn

I have the honor to request that Vouchers of Andrew Dawkins, Edward Dawkins, Berry Clark and John Milliken be forwarded to this office, in order that they may be signed and returned to you for payment.

Andrew Dawkins P.O. Address
Aberdeen Miss 
Monroe Co.

I am Col.
Very Respt
Your Obdt Svt
W.H. Bartholomew
Bvt Major USA & Sub Asst Comr