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Office Heading
August 8th. 1868 - 

Greene S.C. Bvt. Maj. usa.
Vicksburg Miss - 


I have the honor to make the following report for this Sub-Dist, for the month of July 1868.

[[Left Margin]] No of freed people in the Sub-District. [[/Left Margin]]

The no of freed people in this District is 17000 - From information derived from various sources I am satisfied that the population is daily decreasing as many of the colored people are making preperations to leave, or have left the County for parts unknown- 

[[Left Margin]] Their condition & how they have been paid for work [[/Left Margin]]

The condition of the freed people as a general thing is not very good, as they are often driven from the plantation when the year has not ended, the consequence is that at the end of the year it is not an easy matter to collect their portion of the crop- 

[[Left Margin]]
Nature of contracts for the present year [[/Left Margin]]

The contracts in many cases are fairly made, but in other cases they have not been read to the freedmen, & the result is a Breach of Contract has been made when not really known - 

[[Left Margin]] No of sick, old or infirm suffering from want [[/Left Margin]]

So far as I can ascertain there is but very little destitution in this county, & with the exception of the few who are confirmed Idlers  I am under the impression that there is no real necessity of any one suffering from want

[[Left Margin]] No of rations issued & to what class of people [[/Left Margin]]

Under this head I am unable to make a report, as no rations have been issued during the present month or  since I have taken charge of this Sub. District - 

[[Left Margin]] Schools, conditions their no &c [[/Left Margin]]

During this month most of the schools have closed - The condition of the Schools is not of the best, and I am lead to believe that a great improvement could be made- Seven is the largest no ever reported -

[[Left Margin]] Martial relations of the freedmen [[/Left Margin]]

There is but little if any improvement in the


martial relations of the freedmen since the surrender, and I have doubts whether there ever will be - 

[[Left Margin]] position of whites towards the colored people [[/Left Margin]]

I believe that the Whites of this County are not favorable impressed towards the colored race, for most of the Whites are bound to make the freedmen do as they seem fit whether it may meet with their approbation or not - 

[[Left Margin]] Complaints & Outrages [[/Left Margin]]

The complaints now made at this office consist principally of threatening violence & driving off from plantations, desertions of husband & wife, not furnishing the proper allowance of rations and a number of cases of actual violence - Some few cases of murder have also been reported at this office -

[[Left Margin]] State Laws administered cases affecting freedmen [[/Left Margin]]

From observation I am fully convinced that the Courts do not do justice to the Claims of freedmen, especially when in opposition to White people, for the old feeling still exists that a negro has no rights & can not be upheld in any of his doings-

I am Major
Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt. Servt.
W.H. Bartholomew
Bvt. Maj. usa. Sub. Asst. Comr.

Transcription Notes:
Portions of the margins are not visible. Even if the whole word could be inferred, it was recorded as seen. I changed those margin captions on p253 to fill in the missing letters so the margins make better sense