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Office Heading
September 17th. 1868.

Thompson. Edward. Esq.  Mayor of O'Kolona. Miss.

Complaint has been made at this office that you have treated in a very unjust manner one Pomile Huston,(colored) and have taken from him the sum of $60- without allowing him any witnesses in his case- It is also stated that you have garnished his employer Dr. Knox, and have not notified Pomile  according to law of the same- You are directed to make a statement in regard to the proceedings of this case and forward the same to this office.

Very Respectfuly
Your Odt. Servt.
James Kelly
Capt. 34th US Inft. Sub. Asst. Comr.

794# Office Heading
September 18th. 1868.

Sunderland. Lt. J.W. USA.  D.O. and A.A.Q.M. Vicksburg. Miss.

I have the honor to state that Vouchers for this Office have been forwarded to you for payment, and nothing has been heard from them since-
Please notify this office if such has been received at your Office-

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
James Kelly
Capt. 34th Inft. Sub. Asst. Comr.

795#  Office Heading September 19th. 1868.

White Wm. K.
Hernando. Desoto County.

Luck Blewett freedman, has made a statement at this Office about one Mr. Harrington who is indebted to himself and six other freedmen to the amount of $247.  He also states that he does not know whether the amount of money was paid to you or not, but that you were investigating the case before you left Columbus.
Please be kind enough to make a short statement in regard to this case, if is within your power to do so-

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
James Kelly
Capt. 34th Inft. Sub. Asst. Comr.

796#  Office Heading September 21st. 1868

Pease. H.R.
Supt. of Education.
Vicksburg. Miss.

On the 15th of this month I forwarded to you a copy of the Contract drawn up with one Mr. Kemp-
Please be kind enough to inform me if such has been received at your Office, as there can be nothing done in the matter until the Contract has been signed by both parties.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
James Kelly
Capt. 34th. Inf. Sub. Asst. Comr.