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them to the Sheriff of that county - John Cook of Columbus accompanied McCanley. The same night the prisoners were taken from Columbus, McCanley returned and stated to the Mayor of this City that he was compelled to give the prisoners up to parties unknown. I would respectfully state that I have made every effort in my power to bring the guilty parties to justice, but the civil authorities have made no exertions in aiding me to arrest them.
I would respectfully request that you will have an investigation of this case, as I believe the civil authorities know more about the matter then they have stated.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt. Servt.
James Kelly
Capt. 34th Inft. Sub. Asst. Comr.

Office Heading
October 2nd, 1868.
Sunderland. Lt. J. W. USA. 
D.O. & A.A.Q.M.
Vicksburg. Miss.

I have the honor to transmit herewith the following vouchers for payment vis: 
Vouchers of J Shepard for services  $99.17
Vouchers of Fred Thyler for rent     20.00

Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt. Servt.
James Kelly
Capt. 34th Inft. Sub. Asst. Comr.


Office Heading
Oct. 3d 1868.

Tyler, John, Bvt. Maj. USA
A.A.A.G. B.R.F. & A.L.
Vicksburg, Miss.

I have the honor to make the following statement. One week ago some freedmen brought from the Plantation of John W. Mader three bales of cotton which were delivered to him on that day & the same he sold. The freedmen are working for one fourth of the crop, & on this day brought in one bale (their fourth) which he admits is their property, & sold the same & paid their debts to John W. Mader up to date. He objects to their selling their one bale on the grounds that the balance of the cotton is not gathered, & wishes them to place it in his store. I have decided that they shall sell their bale, as he has already sold his portion. From this decision he has made objection & states that he will furnish them no more provisions, but will let the crop rot, rather than allow them to work on his Plantation. I would respectfully request to know what action to take in this matter, if he stops furnishing provisions.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt. Servt.
James Kelly
Capt. 34th Inft. Sub. Asst. Comr.