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[[2 Columned Table]] | --- | --- | | | father has no right to claim the child, but as to strangers his claim is good if he has acknowledged and adopted the child, whether this last was found on the trial does not appear, neither does it appear what was the desire of the child himself. In all cases where the claims of the conflicting parties are of doubtful character, it us usual for the court to allow the wishes of the Minor to have great weight in rendering a decision Respectfully Sd G Gordon Adams. Hd Qrs Dist Miss Bureau R.F. & A L. Vicksburg Jan 19th 1867. Respectfully returned to Mr A.M. Chandler (Thro Sub Comr Dist Columbus) attention invited to the endorsement of G.G. Adams Esq. Solicitor of Bureau. This communication has been unavoidably detained in the Soliciters Office, and just having reached this Office is returned at the earliest moment possible. By Order of Bvt Brig Genl Gillem Sd. A.W. Preston A.A.A.G. Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L. Office Sub Commissioner Columbus Miss Jany 23rd/67 Respectfully transmitted to Mr A.M. Chandler Geo. S. Smith Bvt Major. Sub Comr | | Preston A W. Maj A.A.A.G. 52/10 | Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L. Office Sub Commissioner Columbus Miss Jany 24th 1867. G 1. F.B.D.C. 1867- Respectfully returned to Major A.W. Preston A.A.A.G. with the remark that this account was returned to Mr J.M. Payne Dec 21st/66 from this office, with the information that no provision had been made by the Bureau for the payment of such claims, but if in the future favorable action was had in that direction I would be most happy to inform him of the fact. Accounts similar to this one have been received and returned with the same endorsement. Geo S Smith Capt Bvt Major Sub Comr | | Preston A.W. Maj AAAG 11 | Endorsement on communication from A.C. Gillem Bvt Brig Genl stating that the date of enlistment of Saml Walker. & Lewis Pierson is necessarry before the information requested can be given. G.2.F.B.D.C 1867 Bu R.F.& A.L. Office Sub Comr. Columbus Miss. Jany 30th 1867- Respectfully returned to Major A W Preston A.A.A.G. with the discharge papers of these parties enclosed, which will afford the information desired Geo. S. Smith Bvt Major Sub Comr |