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White Stephen Chickasaw Co 

Bureau Refugees. F. and A. L.
Office Sub District of Columbus
Columbus Miss Oct 26. 1867.
Respectfully return to Mr Stephen White with the remark that Genl Orders No 19. Head Quarters 4th Mil Dist contemplates the settlement of debts due freedmen. For further information I would refer you to Maj Genl E.O.C. Ord. Commanding 4th Mil District. Wm K. White Agt &c 

Gillem Maj Genl Asst Commr 
G.-103.F.B.D.C-1867 L.B. 595# D.C. 1867 
Endorsement on communication from Wm Carter relative to procuring apprenticed child.

Bu R.F. & A.L. Office Sub Dist Columbus
Columbus Miss Oct 26. 1867.
Respectfully forwarded to Capt J.W. Sunderland A.A.A. Genl Bu R.F. & A.L Vicksburg Miss. for information as to Agents authority over indentures of apprenticeship.
Wm K White
Agent Bu R.F. & A.L.  

Smith Maj Geo. S. Sub Asst Commr Bu &c 

Endorsement on communication of Maj Smiths requesting W.J. Jones crop held until laborers are paid.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L
Office Sub District of Columbus Miss
Columbus Miss Novr 11. 1867
Respectfully returned to Major Geo. S. Smith Sub Asst Commr Sub District of Macon Miss with the information that a certified copy of this communication together with the following endorsement was transmitted through the P.O. to Mess Billups and Odeneal.
"Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L."
"Sub District of Columbus"
"Columbus Miss Nov 9. 1867"
"Respectfully transmitted to Mess Major Billups and Odeneal who are directed not to remove or dispose or permit to be removed or disposed of the interest of any crop raised or being raised, belonging to N.D." 

"Jones in which they or either of them have any control of by Seazon of their having our interest therein or otherwise until further orders from Major Leo Smith Sub Asst Commr Bureau &c Macon Miss"
"Wm K. White"
"Agent Bu R.F.&A.L"
Should Maj Smith require further action he will inform me
Wm A While
Agent Bu RF&A.L. 

Gillem Maj Genl Asst Commr
G-116-F.B.D le=1867.

Endorsement on communication of A. S. Lide [[?]] Freedmen Bureaus when his premixes against his wishes
L 5= FRDC=1867.
Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Sule District of Columbia
Columbus, Miss Nov 11. 1864.

Respectfully forwarded to Lieut Merrilt Barber AAA Lieut By RF&AL Vicksburg Miss for information. Would it not be highly improper to restrict the freedmen from bearing arms unless the whites (Planters, Overseers &c) were restricted also.
Wm. K. White
Agent Bur F&A.L.

Nicholas James Freeman.

Endorsement on [[?]] of Jas Nicholas latest Oct 31/64 engrieving for his brother Beu.
I 5-F.B.D.le = 1864
Bw. R.F.&A.L. Office Sub Dist Columbus
Columbus Miss Nas 12/64

Respectfully returned to Jas Nicholas (cold) Greenville Ala - Attention invited to enclosed letter of his brother Benjamin Nicholas
Wm. K. White
Agent Bur R.F.&A.L.