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| Lide A. L. 118  L.5-FBDC-1867  E&M-16 F.B.D.C.-1867  G-106-F.B.D.C.-1867 | Endorsement on communication of A. L Lide returned from Hd Qrtrs Bu R.F.&A.L Dist of Miss regarding the use of fire arms by laborers on plantations.

Bureau R.F.&A.L. Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 15, 1867

Respectfully returned to Mr. A. S. Lide, Choctaw Agency Miss, and attention invited to Endorsement from Head Quarters.

Wm. K. White
Agent Bu RF and A.L. |

| Smith Maj Geo. S. 119  S-40-F.B.D.C.=1867  E&M.-115-F.B.D.C.=1867. | Bu R.F.&A.L. Sub Dist Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 21. 1867

Respectfully forwarded to Maj Geo S. Smith Sub Asst Comr Macon. Attention invited to the within communications of Mess Billups & Jones by which it appears that Jones has no interest in the crop of Billups & Odeneal & that he has been declared a bankrupt under the laws of the U.S, which certificate has been exhibited to me.
Wm. K White
Agent Bu R.F.&A.L. |

| 120 | Endorsement on communication from S. I. Smith inquiring whether Genl Order No 19. Head Quarters 4th Military District will apply him.
S. 41=F.B.D.C.=1867.

Bu R.F.&A.L. Office Sub Dist of Columbus.
Columbus Miss Nov 19. 1867

Respectfully forwarded to Lieut M. Barber A.A. Genl Bu &c Vicksburg, Miss. for information. This officer had supposed that Genl Order No 31. applied only to freedmen and that the proper manner for white persons to get redress was through the courts and if too poor, to apply as a pauper &c Fearing that I might commit an error in such a decision I make this application
Wm K. White
Agent Bu R.F. and A.L. |

| Gillem Maj Genl Asst Commr  121  C.12-F.B.D.C.-1867 | Endorsement on communication from Office Asst Comr Aug 9./67 authorizing the purchase of $75. worth of lumber for School building at Artesia

Bu R.F.&A.L. Office Sub Dist Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 25. 1867.

Respectfully returned to Lieut M. Barber A.A.A. Genl Bureau &c Vicksburg Miss. Enclosing Voucher for Seventy-five dollars ($75.) in favor of John Connolly. The School building is now completed & the School just commenced.
Wm K White
Agent Bu R.F.&A.L. |

| Gillem Maj Genl Asst Commr  122.  L.B. 550# F.B.D.C.-1867  L.B. 566# F.B.D.C.-1867  L.B. 596# F.B.D.C.-1867  L.B. 610# F.B.D.C.-1867 | Endorsement on Communication from Office Asst Commr Oct 25/67 authorizing arrest of Geo Herndon in case he refused to pay $295. due certain freedmen. G=102=F.B.D.C=1867

Bu R.F. and A.L. Office Sub Dist Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 25. 1867.

Respectfully returned to Lieut M. Barber AAA. Genl Bureau &c Vicksburg Miss, with the information that Mr Herndon has paid the freedmen in compliance with the endorsed instructions from Office Asst Commr
Wm K. White
Agent Bu R.F.&A.L. |

| Gillem Maj Genl Asst Commr  123 | Endorsement on communication enquiring as to the manner in which Shff Bell executes the duties of his office

Bu R.F. and A.L. Office Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 25. 1867.

Respectfully returned to Lieut M. Barber A.A.A. Genl Bureau &c Vicksburg Miss with the information that this is the only instance in which I find this officer has been remiss in his duties. The excuse rendered was that he had at that time an unusual amount of business and that the serving of "Process" should have been by a Constable
Wm K. White
Agent Bu RF. and A.L. |