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| Endorsement. 3. | Bureau Refugees. Freedmen & &c
Office Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Columbus. Miss. Feby 26. 1868.
Respectfully returned to Bvt. Maj. Genl. A. C. Gillem. Asst. Comr. for State of Miss. with certified copies of Deeds relating to the within named property  The buildings on said property are all destroyed. except one frame building. I also enclose a bill for comparing and certifying to said deeds, by W. H. Kennon clk of Probate Court.
(Signed) James. Kelly
Capt 34th Inft & SAC |

| January 27. 1868. Braun A. L. 4. | West Point, Miss. Jany 27. 1868.  Makes a statement in regard to the case of Jacob Braun (col), who has chosen a man that is willing to uphold him in his rascality- |

| February 20. 1868. Bardwell. J. P. Agent &c. 5. | Vicksburg. Miss. February 20. 68.  States that on the 24th of Jany 68. he received from Capt. J W Sunderland the monthly allowance for rent for the condol school at Aberdeen. Miss. Also states that condols vouchers for May for $55.00 was paid on the 1st of July 67 - |   

| January 17. 1868. Bartholomew. W. H. Bvt. Maj. USA & SAC 6. | Columbus. Miss. January 17. 1868. Transmits Monthly Return of Quartermaster Stores for month of January 1868- |

| Endorsement. 6. | Bureau R.F and A.L.
Office D.O and A.A.Q.M. Vicksburg. Miss. Feby 1868.  Respectfully returned to Bvt. Maj. W. H. Bartholomew. Sub. Asst. Comr. for correction. There should be an Abstract "M" made for the Article transferred to Capt. Kelly
(signed) J W Sunderland
Lt. 24. Inft. D.O. & A.A.Q M. |

| January 25. 1868. Bartholomew. W. H. Bvt. Maj. USA. & SAC 7. | Columbus. Miss. January 25. 1868. Returns corrected Returns of Quartermaster Stores and Report of Persons and Articles hired for the month of December 1867- |

| Endorsement. 7. | Bureau R.F and A.L.
Office D.O. and A A.Q.M.
Vicksburg. Miss. Feb 29. 1868.
Respectfully returned to Bvt. Maj. W. H. Bartholomew. Sub. Asst. Comr for correction. The voucher enclosed "Articles Recd" from Officers must be accompanied with Abstract "E" and in expending Stationery on form #23 it should be on the line for Abstract "J" not on "L"- (signed) J W Sunderland Lt. 24. Inftr. D.O. & AAQM. |

| March 9th 1868. Bartholomew. W. H. Bvt. Maj. USA & SAC 8. | Columbus. Miss. March 9th 1868. Requests a supply of blanks forms 11. in order that School Teachers may receive the same (over) |