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Indianapolis, Aug 7th 1866
My dear friend [[?]] I have been engaged since coming home mostly in canvassing the country under the employ of our church to obtain money for our Mission schools among the Freedmen and am having good success, we are preparing for bringing ten teachers to Columbus, and five or six to Macon there were in 1860 in Sounds County 16.000 Blacks and 6.000 whites in Noxuby [[Noxubee]] Ct 15.000 Blacks and 5.000 whites my friend thinks it is quite time there was A school started at Macon to be preparing them teachers if nothing else so that the present scholars can be preparing for teaching others
I find by the 13th section of the Late Buran Bill that it is made the duty of the agents when practical to hire or Lease Buildings for purposes of education where the teachers are employed without cost to the Government will thou please ascertain what can be done in the way of geting [[getting]] school rooms at Macon by the tenth of October we want to be there if rooms can be had the teachers at Macon will probably Board if they go there rooms for school only will be wanting 
Please inform me what protection if any may