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Palo Alto Miss
March 9th 1868
To Brevt Maj Genl Alvan C Gillem
I would very respectfully herewith call your attention to the facts in a case in which a white man has taken advantage of the ignorance of a Freedman, and shielded himself behind the technicalities of the Law, to deprive the Freedman of his property. I would therefore ask that after a due consideration of the facts, that you compel the defaulting party to make restitution, and render full satisfaction to the aggrieved party 
The facts are as follows, a freedman named Isaac Vickers moved at the beginning of this year on the plantation of Capt T.W. Elliott in Monroe County in this state, with the intention of renting land from him, but circumstances were such, that Isaac contracted to work with a man in this (Chickasaw) County, when Isaac went to Elliotts he carried with him a sow, and five 5 shoats, weighing from 40 to 50 pounds, when he left Elliots was indebted to him some $10.00, and he gave Elliott the sow who had had 8 pigs for the debt, and Elliott promised to take care of the shoats until Isaac could send for them, and Isaac promised to pay Elliot for the corn that the hogs eat, until he could send for them, Isaac a month afterwards went after his shoats and carried nine bushels of corn; and the shoats were not there. Elliott told him that they were about the plantation somewhere, but after hunting several hours Isaac could not find them, and was told by a Freedman that Elliott had sold the shoats to a neighbor living about a mile & one half distant.  Isaac went to this neighbor named Fitch and found his shoats, and Fitch told Isaac that