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City Register

[[8 columned table]]
| Date 1865 | Name | Employer | Time | Residence | Occupation | No | Amt. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 30th August | Hannah and Margaret | S.S. Franklin | 2 Months | Columbus Miss | House Servants | 1 |   |

| 30th August | Henry and Mary | S.S. Franklin | 4 Months | Columbus Miss | House Servants | 2 |   |

| 13th August | Harry & Louisianna | Mrs. S.T. Harris | Balance of the year | Columbus Miss | Driver & Cook | 3 |   |

| 13th August | Sydney | Mrs. S.T. Harris | Balance of the year | Columbus Miss | House Servant | 4 | $4.00 pr mo. |

| 25 July | W Reuben | W.L. Lipscomb | Balance of the year | Columbus Miss | Laborer | 5 | 10.00 pr mo. |