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Foster A.K. (5, 197, 
Fullerton. J.S. Brig. Gen. (35, 41, 43,

Fairman. Capt. (47, 61.
Farner W.H. 1 73. 84. 102. 105. 127, 137.
144, 161, 226. 235, 244,
Foster R.B Lieut 189.
Fort Col. A.Q.M (93.
Farr C.O. Major, 139,
Forsbey Mrs 165,
French John C, 167,
Fowler W. Major, 184, 211, 217, 222, 228, 243, 365, 367. 398 426.

Ferguson Joseph Capt, 196, 208, 248, 281, 313, 343 344 448.

Fisk Brig. Gen. 211,
Ferguson W. 242,
Fields D.H. 273.
Flynn Andrew 277. 316
Fretts & Oaks, 491.
Fox. 503.
Fitch Lieut J.R. 517. 553.