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Hd Qrs B R F A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston April 17. 1867

Archer John H. Esq.
S.A. Com
Beaumont Texas
874 Vol 1/246

In your report for March 1867, you make mention that  Civil cases may have occurred outside of the town of Beaumont but that you have no means of visiting that part of your Dist lying outside of the town, and in the latter part of same report you state that this want of transportation is the only difficulty under which you labor in the execution of your duties: 

I am directed to say that Par. 1. means of transportation Article VI. page 28 - D, of the "Bureau Officers Manual" points out one mode of transportation for Officers of the Bureau assigned to duty as S.A. Com'r, and the [[crossed out]] to [[/crossed out]] order to make a tour through your Dist. contained in the enclosed Circular points out a method of recovering back from the Bu, the expenses incurred, and as no report has even been received at this office showing that you have made this trip, the difficulty of want of transportation certainly cannot exist. 

You will therefore acquaint yourself with the condition of affairs in your Dist. outside the town of Beaumont and make the tour referred to, [[during?]] which
By Command of 
Bvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Sgd) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26th U.S. Inf
& A.A.A Genl, 


Hd Qrs B R F A L
State of Texas
Galveston April 19. 1867

Morrison John H. Esq
S.A Com.
Palestine Texas,

I am directed by the Asst Comr, to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 10th inst, and in reply to call your attention to Sections 5 & 6, of Circular Letter dated at these Head quarters May 23, 1866, in the matter of the Clerk, Office &c, you will hire no person or article until the authority therein required is first obtained and for which you must make application, in the matter of your office your application for authority to hire will state time of commencement and in general be in accordance with Section 4. of Circular No 2. Series of 1867, from War Dept. Bu. R F &c, copies of the Circulars &c above referred to have been sent to you. These instructions also apply to the matter of the Physician.

Your request for Blanks for Stationery has been sent to the Qr Master and will be attended to In this connection I would invite your attention to Section II. of enclosed Circular letter. 

Your communication was addressed to General Griffin, this was wrong, Section I. of enclosed Circular Letter will instruct you on the point I would also direct your attention to Sections 11 & 12 of article I. on page 7. of the "Bureau Officers Manual"

Your remarks and recommendations in the matter of Schools and Teachers have been referred to the Inspector of Schools for his action. 

A detatchment of troops have been ordered to report to you, and I presume they have arrived at Palestine in this time.
If you will send the names of the party in the first part or Employer, in the Contracts you wish sent to you, they will be forwarded to you, otherwise it would be a work of considerable magnitude to select them by the County from several thousands, all arranged alphabetically. 
I am Sir, &c &c
(Sgd) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26" U.S. Inf & A.A.A.G.

Transcription Notes:
Pls read instructions, don't have to guess how to transcribe, these will help - everything corrected I used [[??]] to indicate both whole words which I could not decipher and partial words. If I could only transcribe a word partially, I tried to at least insert as many letters as possible before inserting the [[??]]. There are a few of those left within the page, so I have left the document incomplete for now until more can be filled in.