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Hd Qrs B R F & A L
State of Texas
Galveston April 23, 1867.

Randlett Capt N H, VRC.
SA Comr &c
Anderson, Texas



I am directed by the assist Comrr to call your attention to the enclosed circular and to direct that in accordance with the powers therein delegated to Sub. asst Comssrs: and the provisions of the letter to you from this Office dated April 17. 1867. You will take cognizance of and settle the cases that have arisen on Mr Johnson's plantation in Grimes Co. by summoning the parties before you, as also all other cases that may arise in your county or District out of Contracts

I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
(Sgd) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lieut 26, U.S. Infy
& A.A.A. Genl.

Hd qrs B R F & A L
State of Texas
Galveston April 23. 1867.

Miller Capt Ed V.R.C.
Sub Asst Comssr &c
Millican Texas



It has been reported at this office that Mr J.A. Neely of or near Millican, Texas, gaveDr T Iglehart & Co of Millican a Draft for $763.50 gold for debts due by the freedmen who worked for said Neely last year, & this Draft was not honored, therefore Neely still owes the fm and they Iglehart & Co.

It is also reported that Neely has 73 b/cotton still on his place. The assist Comr. therefore directs that you seize the cotton and compel Neely to settle with the freedmen so that they can pay their debts.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
(Sgd) J T Kirkman
1 Lt. 26. U.S. Inf & A.A.A.Genl.


Hd qrs B R F & A L
State of Texas
Galveston April 25. 1867

Porter Capt Byron
Sub Asst Com
Bastrop Texas


In your report of April 20. 1867 transmitting the evidence in the case of W.I.A Bell who was tried for an assault upon a freedman, you mention that his son Willis shot a negro named Caesar Bill wounding him severely, and that he eluded the Civil authorities for some time, but has since returned.

You will immediately present this case to the civil authorities and use every endeavour to have young Bill punished for the offense, reporting to these Hdqrs, the action taken.

In all similar cases hereafter you will be governed in like manner.

By Command of
Bvt Major Gen Griffin
(Sgd) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lieut 26 U.S. Inf,
& A.A.A Genl.

Hd qrs B R F & A L
State of Texas
Galveston April 27. 1867.

Porter Cap Byron
Sub Asst Com
Bastrop Texas


You will at once obtain and furnish these Hd. qrs. the following information.

Did Wm. M Spittel hold any office prior to the war, what part did he take in the Rebellion? and what is the present status?

also the status of C.C. McGuiness, County Judge, also D. McGuiness atty at law and Geo Allen ex Assessor. State the cause of the removal of Mr Allen from Office

Full particulars as required concerning the above mentioned men, their positions prior to, during and since the War, the offices they may have held, their standing character &c

By Commmd of Bvt Maj Genl Griffin
(Sgd) J T Kirkman
1st Lieut 26th U.S. Inf & A.A.A.G.

Please answer at earliest moment