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See to it, that Miss Campbell receives Miss Evans with a proper spirit, provides her with a place to Board &c. and treats her generally with a proper respect, & feeling, in case she does not, the assist Com directs that you immediately relieve Miss Campbell as teacher & turn the school over to Miss Evans,
I am Genl
Very Respectfully, 
Your Obt Sevt.
(Sg'd) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lieut 26 U.S. Inf. 
& AAA General

Mr Shephard states that,"during the temporary absence of Mr. Allen, Miss Skinner was sent to San Antonio a journey of 9 days that might have been made in 3".
The detention arose from an accident, every precaution that she should be properly cared for, was taken, Mr. Wheelock to my personal knowledge procured and sent an ambulance to take her and her baggage to the boat, and one of the most reliable & efficient Orderlies at these Hd. qrs. (Private Lynch 35th Inf.) was sent to San Antonio with her to attend to her transportation & baggage, and see that she was put to no inconvenience over any discourtesey was offered her 
I addressed a note of enquiry the day after she started, and received a full reply, written almost immediately after her arrival at the destination, in which she made no compliant
Under this head I have only to say that teachers were only sent away during Mr. A's. absence, when I considered it very essential they should be, best upon Mr. Allen's representing to me that the associations employing these teachers preferred having them located by him (Allen) I stated to him that the desire of the association should be fully complied with, and since then no change of teachers has been made without his approval.
Communication of Sub asst Comr. asking for teachers have been invariably returned to them for further report, if they did not contain a Statement, in compliance with Paragraph 4, Circular 4, Current Series from these Head quarters that a boarding place had been secured, giving the names, occupation & character of the people and the price of board.
Mr Allen is incorrect in stating that I said the teachers must not remain in Texas this Summer, I have urged him repeatedly to


encourage them to remain - Yet out of 100 teachers of Freedmen Schools in this State there are but 16 of the American Association, although but few they are excellent teachers of unimpeachable character, and reflect much credit on the Society that selected them
Mr. Wheelock has labored incessantly at his station, and so far from using his influence against the Church, the only time (in three cases during the absence of Mr A) that matters were reported to him for investigation relative to the repairs of Church property for School purposes, his recommendations were just and liberal,
To my personal knowledge he has been zealous in the establishment of Sunday Schools through the State
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
(Sgd) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lieut 26th. U.S. Inf. & A.A.A. Genl.

Hd Qrs B.R.F. & AL. State of Texas Galveston May 3. 1867.

[[Left Margin]] Howard 63/85 [[/Left Margin]]

Philip Esq Meridian Texas

Dear Sir,
Enclosed I send you an appointment as agent of the Bureau, also an oath which you are required to take and sent to these Hd.Qrs. before entering upon the duties of your office, 
your Sub. District will include Bosque, Eastland, Erutte, Hood, Comanch, Brown, Runnells, Coleman, Taylor, Callahan, Hill and Johnson Counties,
You are entitled to a room for an office and the necessary Stationery and postage for the transaction of the public business that may come before you
You are not permitted to make any expenditures without first obtaining authority from these Hd Qrs stating the necessity of the same expenditure &c,
Your allowance of Stationery will be drawn from the Qr M's Departt upon requisitions for the same, blanks will be furnished from that Office,
A Detatchment of troops will be ordered to report to you to aid in the discharge of your duties.
Very Respectfully Your Obt. Servt (Sgd) J.T. Kirkman 1st Lt. 26th U.S.Inf & A.A.A.Genl.