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Hd. qrs. B.R.F & A L
State of Texas
Galveston May 27. 1867.

Johnson H. S.
Sub. Asst. Com.
18th Sub Dist.


It being impossible to ration the detatchment of troops with you in Kind, an order has been issued allowing their commutation. I send you enclosed a form for collecting the commutation. It is not possible to send you the blanks at present and you will have to rule them. They are to be made in duplicate and at the end of each month you will make out the first commutation papers from the date the rations of the detatchment expire to the end of that month - the papers not to be made out until the last day of the month. The commutation price is 75 cents per day in U.S. Currency.

The commutation vouchers made out for each soldier, certified by you and receipted by the soldier will be forwarded to the commissary at this place, thro' these Head quarters and will be promptly paid
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
(Sgd) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lieut & A.A.A. Genl.

Head qrs. B R F & A L
State of Texas
Galveston. May 28. 1867

Howard Maj. Gen. O. O.
Commissioner &c.
Washington D.C. 

In accordance with Circular. No 2. W.D. Bureau R F &c dated Washington, Feby 1. 1867. I have the honor to transmit herewith, Report of Board of Officers, convened April 19. 1867, per Special Orders No. 24 C.S. from these Head quarters, for the purpose of establishing the price of rents of Buildings occupied by the Bu. in this State.
I am Gen. Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
(Sgd) Chas Griffin
Bvt. Maj. Genl. U.S.A.
Asst. Com. State of Texas


Hd. qrs. B.R.F.A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston. May 28. 1867

Howard Maj. Genl. O. O.
Commissioner &c.
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to request that the appointment of Thomas Bailey as Agent of the Bureau for this State, be revoked, to date June 15. 1867.
I am General,
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
(Sgd) Chas Griffin
Bvt. Maj. Genl. U.S.A.
Asst. Comr.

Hd Qrs. B.R.F.A.L
State of Texas
Galveston May 28. 1867.

Howard Maj. Genl. O. O.
Commissioner &c.
Washington D.C.
Filed in T.

I have the honor to request that the appointment of John Williamson as agent for this Bureau may be revoked, to date June 15. 1867.
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
(Sgd) Chas Griffin
Brvt. Maj. Genl. U.S.A.
Asst. Comr.

Hd. qrs. B.R.F.A.L
State of Texas
Galveston May 28. 1867.

Mason John S. Bvt. Maj. Genl.
Sub. asst. Comr. San Antonio.

The asst Com. directs that you will summon before you, Messrs. Adam Zorby & Geo. M. Morton of San Antonio, and

Transcription Notes:
2/14 - all done