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84  85.

Hd qrs B.R.F.A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston June 21, 1867

To, all Agents & Sub Comrs. on duty on the above date
Sub asst Comr.
Cos. Texas,
page. 53 86

I am directed by the asst Com, to call your attention to the fact, that Paragraph 2, G.O. No. 4 dated January 31, 1867, & Paragraph 3, G.O. No. 5 dated Feb'y 2, 1867 from these Head quarters, have not been complied with in your Sub - District.
You will make a tour through your Sub Dis giving public notice that you will be there in a short number of days for the purpose of receiving copies of contracts made by planters with the freedmen for the present year
You will receive from each planter who has not already filed his contracts with you, two (2) copies of each contract, one copy of which you will file in your office, and forward the other to these Head quarters.
The necessity of making the trip through the [[strikethrough]] County [[/strikethrough]] Dist arises from the quick injury it would cause, should the planters & laborers have to come a great distance at this, the most critical part of the year to the farming interest.
You will take every care not to discourage the labor in your Sub district, exercising all your tact & judgement in arranging disputed contracts,
Whenever you may think it necessary, you will address the freedmen, urging upon them the necessity of industry, & of close adherence to their contracts.
You are authorized to compel compliance with your orders, by arrest and fines, should you find it necessary to do so.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
(Sgd) J. T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26 U.S. Inf. A.A.A.G. 

Transcription Notes:
2/14 - done