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Hdqrs B.R.F.A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston June 21, 1867

To The Following Sub Asst Comrs

P.84/P 96

I am directed by the asst Com to call your attention to the fact that the following named Reports due from your office for the last month have not been received at these Hdqrs

Report in Compliance with circular letter dated Hdqrs B.R.F.A.L. State of Texas Galveston, Dec. 31. 1866

your attention is invited to circulars Nos. 10 & 17, Series of 1865, Nos 4, 7, & 15, Current Series from War Dept. B.R.F.A.L. and to Circular Letter from these Headquarters dated May 23, Decr 31, 1966, and March 1867: and Circulars Nos. 4 & 5 Current Series

It is requested that all Reports be punctually forwd. that they may be received at these Hd. qrs. by the 5th of each month
The necessary blanks for Report and Accounts will be furnished upon application at the proper office

I am, Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
(Sgd) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26. U.S. Inf. A.A.A.G.

De Witt E. Brown 2
1st Lt A B Bonnaffon 35 Inf. 2
1st Lt S C Plummer 26 Inf. 2
Bt Lt Col. D L Montgomery 2
Bt Major Ira W Chaplin 2
Bvt Brig Gen Jno S Mason 35 Inf. 1
John Morrison Esq.
1st Lt E O Gibson. 26 Inf. 1

[[left margin]] [[Names?]] with 1 annexed are for May & those with the figure 2 April & May [[/left margin]]


Hd. qrs. B R F A L
State of Texas
Galveston June 22. 1867.

Jacobs Louis H.
S.A.C. Crockett Texas.


Dear Sir,

Enclosed you find a copy of the revocation of your appointment as Agent of this Bureau, you will turn over to Capt Reinhard who will be ordered to relieve you, all Books, records &c pertaining to your office.

Should you desire to be retained in the service of the Bureau as Clerk, you will as soon as relieved by Capt Reinhard proceed to Tyler, Smith Co. Texas, and report to the S.A.C at that place for duty as Clerk. In case you do not so desire and wish to return to Galveston, covering your transportation. In either case you will upon receipt of this communication notify to these Hd. qrs. what you will do.

By order of
Bt. Maj. Genl. Chas. Griffin
(Sgd) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lieut.  26. U.S. Inf

Hd qrs B.R.F.A.L
State of Texas
Galveston June 23. 1867

Taylor Lt. A.H.M.
Dist. of Texas



I would respectfully request that a non-com officer and two men (Cavalry) be ordered from the Post of Mount Pleasant, to report to Capt W.G. Kirkman S.A. Com B R F &c at Boston, Bowie Co. Texas

I am, Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Sert
(Sgd) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lt. 26. U.S. Infy