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As soon as it is in readiness for a teacher you will place Miss Sarah S Kinner in charge.
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
(Sgd) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lt. 26. U.S. Inf.

Hd  qrs BRF & AL
State of Texas
Galveston July 10, 1867

Duggan P.F. Esq.
Sub. Asst. Com.
Columbus, Texas.

Enclosed find a deposit of $250. on the "National Bank of Texas, payable to the order of Adelaide Spencer which you will give her.

You will suspend the case of Adalaide vs. C.C. Millican for the balance of the fine ($250) until the first of Nov next (the fine is remitted to $500).
By order of
Bt. Maj. Genl. Griffin
(Sgd) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26 U.S. Inf.

Hd qrs BRF & AL
State of Texas
Galveston July 11, 1867

Taylor Lt. A.H.M.
Dist of Texas

I would respectfully request that Private John Stokes Co. F. 35 U S Inf. be detached to report at these Hd qrs. for duty as Clerk.
very Respectfully
Your  Obt Servt
(Sgd) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26. U.S. Inf.


Hd qrs B R F & A L
State of Texas
Galveston July 10, 1867

All Agents of the B R F & A L on duty on the above date in the State of Texas
P 96/P 128

You will hereafter on Monday of each week, while the Board of Registration may be in Session in  your 
Sub-District, forward to these Headquarters a report stating the progress made in the work of Registration of the [[strikethrough]] work of [[/strikethrough]] legal voters so far as the work may be under your observations giving the number of white and colored persons registered and any other information that may of interest.
By command of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Griffin Comr.
(Sg'd) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lt 26 U.S. Inf and A.A.A.G.

Hd qrs B.R.F. & A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston July 11/67

Howard Maj Gen O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to acknowledge your communications of the 25 ult and 2nd Inst. in reference to the recommendation of an Agent to the freedmen to whom their cotton can be consigned do that the full marked price can be received.  As there is an important matter and I do not think I made myself clearly understood, I trouble you again with my views.

First not a single freedman will be forced or under any obligation to send his produce to the Agent, but he possesses the same privileges of disposing of it as he elects There were a great many cases last year, where the freedman could not get his crop to market for the want of means and knowledge what to do. It was to meet these cases that induced me to recommend an agent who should give Bonds so that he might, recommend by the different Sub agents when applied to for information. I do not propose that there should be any monopoly since every man will have the privilege of disposing of his earnings as he sees fit I will be well to appoint me agent for Northern and one for Southern Texas. If you appoint more than two they 

Transcription Notes:
change to J. "T." Kirkman