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Head qrs B R F & A L
State of Texas
Galveston July 26, 1867

Rock Capt. Wm H.
S.A.C. Richmond.


This will introduce you to Mr. D.L. Russell of this city who visits your County for the purpose of securing property sold to Lt Sessums & Co. as per Bill of Sale on Record in Fort Bend Co. of which the original is in Mr. Russell's possession. 

It is desirable that you go with Mr. Russell and adjust the claims of the Freedpeople in this case, as he wishes to move from the plantation some or all of the stock.

Mr. Russell desires nothing but a fair and equitable settlement as far as the crop goes or will cover the amount due the Freedpeople.

By order of Bvt Maj. Gen. Chas. Griffin
(Sgd) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lieut 26 U.S. Inf & A.A.A.G.

Head qrs, B R F & A L
State of Texas
Galveston July 26th, 1867.

Following Agents of B.R.F. &, A.L.
State of Texas.
P 101

I am directed by the asst. Comr to call your attention to the fact that the following named Report due from your office for the last month, has not been received at these Headquarters - Viz.

Report in compliance with Cir. Let. dated Hd qrs B.R.F & A.L. State of Texas, Galveston, Decr 31, 1866.

Your attention is invited to Circulars No's 10 & 17.  Series of 1865.  No's 4, 7 & 15.  C.S. from W.D. B.R.F&A.L. and to Circular Letters from these Head quarters dated May 23rd Dec, 31, 1866, and March 8, 1867. and Circular Nos 4 & 5. C.S.

It is required, that all Reports be punctually forwarded that they may be received at these Hd. qrs. by the 5th of each month.

The necessary blanks for Reports and Accounts will be furnished upon application at the proper Office.

I am, Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
(Sgd) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lt. 26 U.S.I. A.A.A.G.
(See Next Page)


Doubleday Bvt Maj Gen  Galveston

Johnson F.B. Esq.  Woodville

Lowrie James  Jasper

Collins Capt. E.  Brenham

Plummer 1st Lt. S.C.  Prairie La

Bradford J.H.  Centreville

Latimer A.  Clarksville

Horton W.H.  Dallas

Dix Jno  Corpus Christi

Starr Bvt Col. S.H.  Mount Pleasant

Harris Enon M.  Columbus

Hd qrs. B R F & A L
State of Texas
Galveston July 27. 1867

Gray Judge B.W.
Mount Pleasant.
Titus Co. Texas

[[note]] Telegram [[/note]]

Go at once to Waco and await orders in regard to the Manufactory - When can you start?
(Sg'd) Chas. Griffin
Bvt Maj. Gen U.S.A

Hd qrs B.R.F & A.L
State of Texas
Galveston, July 26. 1867

Kirkman Wm G.
S.A.C. Boston, Texas.


You are authorized to purchase for the use of the office of S.A.C. at Boston, Texas.
One Office Table.
One Office Chair.
Five Common Chairs.

By order of
Bvt Maj. Genl. Chas. Griffin
(Sgd) J.T. Kirkman
1st Lt & A.A.A.G.

Transcription Notes:
removed table markings rearranged; keep surname and first name/title together, using letter format