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The Bureau also has recently seized two factories as property of the late Confederate Govt. - one located at Waco and the other in Robertson Co.

Application was made by General Griffin to sell the factories (as property of the late Confederate Govt.) but Genl Howard has ordered that they be not sold until further orders.  

Unless something can be done immediately it will be impossible for the Bureau to do anything towards providing teachers for the freed people.

I am, Gen, Very Respy.
Your Obt. Servt.
Chas. Garretson
2nd Lt. 17 Infy A.A.A.G.

Headquarters BRF & AL
State of Texas
Galveston Oct 18. 1867.

Potts John
Chief Clerk. War Dept.
Washington, D.C.

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of copies of "Instructions relative to advertising & Job printing" as promulgated per Cir. Let. dated W.D. BRF & AL Washington Oct 11. 1867

I am Very Respectfully
your Obt Sert
Chas. Garretson,
2nd Lt 17 Infty. A.A.A.G.
(In the absence of Asst Comr)

Hd qrs BRF & AL State of Texas
Galveston, Oct 18. 1867

Johnson H S.
S.A. Com. Sumpter.
(L.R.J. vol 2 -17 -)

I am directed by the Asst Commr. to state that your decision in the case of Harvey Wyth vs Henry Brazier is approved at these Head quarters.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Chas Garretson,
2nd. Lt 17 Infty. A.A.A.G.

Hdqrs BRF & AL.
State of Texas
Galveston, Oct. 18. 1867

Johnson H.S.
Sumpter, Texas

I am directed by the Asst Com. to call your attention to Paragraph XII. page 7. of the Bureau officers manual. It is very necessary that only one subject should be embraced in a communication upon which action is required.

Your attention is also called to the extreme length of many of your communications addressed to these Head quarters and the want of perspicuity in them. All letters should be concise, plain and written with care - only such can receive the proper attention.

All ordinary cases are to be settled by agents of the Bu. and only the evidence of those of particular importance should be forwarded to these Headquarters for action.

Long affidavits & statements are to be avoided. 

When there are two or more enclosures they should be so arranged that at a glance one can perceive the gist of the whole subject.

The amount of communications received at these Hdqrs preclude the possibility of their receiving proper attention unless the above directions are complied with.

I am, Very Respy.
Your Obt Servt
Chas. Garretson,
Lt 17 Infty A.A.A.G.

Hdqrs BRF & AL
State of Texas
Galveston Oct 19. 1867

Roberts Lt. C.S.
17 US Infty.

Dear Sir,
Your letter of the 3rd inst concerning the assignment of an Agent for Clarksville Dist is received. 

DeWitt C Brown has been assigned as S A Com. for that Sub Dist and ordered to make his office at Paris as that was thought the most central part for the three counties of which he will have charge, Lamar, Fannin & Red River. Should it prove to be as good & acceptable as Clarksville the order assigning him there can be changed

Transcription Notes:
[[margin]] removed, unnecessarily cluttering, and it breaks up peoples' names which are used in searching