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Hd qrs B R F A L
State of Texas
Galveston Oct. 23. 1867

Johnson H.S.
S.A.C. Sumpter,

Your report in the case of J W Burns Vs. Ed Winzandt W R Milligan and others, is received & has this day been referred to the A A A General District of Texas.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Chas. Garretson
Lt. 17 Infy A.A.A.G.

Hd qrs. B.R.F.& A.L.
State of Texas
Galveston, Oct 23. 1867

Reynolds Bt. Maj. J.J.
Asst Com'r
Austin, Texas

At the request of Bt. Lt. Col. D.L. Montgomery Cap. 26 Infy S.A.C. at Tyler Smith Co. Texas, I have the honor to forward for your personal consideration, a letter of his dated Oct 9, 1867. together with his communication of Aug't 26 1867 and my endorsement thereon.

Your attention is respectfully invited to the following Statement of Col. Montgomery in his communications "I respectedly made efforts to obtain stationery in kind from his office but failing. I was either obliged to purchase the Stationery or stop the business of the office"

The Bureau Officers Manual P 28. E. defines the allowance of stationery for the office of a Sub Asst. Com and Circular Letter from these Head qrs. dated March 8. 1867 point out the mode in which stationery, in excess of that allowed, is issued. - No requisitions for stationery have been received from Col. Montgomery, I sent him, as a matter courtesy and by of instruction, a letter, dated 18 April 1867, marked "one" together with the stationery. The requisitions alluded to in the letter, were returned signed and accepted. Col Montgomery being thus made acquainted with the mode of drawing stationery and being aware (as he states) that any expenditures incurred must be authorized by the Asst. Com. transmitted his Property Return, with Purchase Vouchers for stationery &c, unaccompanied by any authority for the 

purchase or by any request that such authority should be granted This was returned to him with the accompanying letter, dated 8 July 1867k and marked "Two" In no case has a purchase of stationery by a Sub Asst Com been allowed. Upon one occasion alone has an appeal been made to Maj. Gen. Howard Commissioner against a referral of mine to pay an acct of Sub Asst Com. unsupported by authority. The account was returned this office, with an endorsement approving my action. His "Reports of Persons" for April & May 1867. reached this office on the 30 June 1867. They were both incorrect, his office not being reported, No report having been made for March. I had one made here, and transmitted for signature 20th July 1867 a copy of the April Report in the State in which it was originally received is transmitted marked "Three". On the 18 July 1867 his Report for May was returned for correctness with the letter marked "Four" Col Montgomery's 
Report of Persons" &c for June 1867 was also returned for correction 20 July 1867 with letter marked "Five". On the 27 July 1867 two accts certified by Col Montgomery in favor of William J. Goodman, for Office Rent were returned for correction with the letter marked "Six", Col Montgomery's "Report of Persons" for March, May & June were received here, (the first signed and the last two corrected) on the 5th Oct 1867. Goodman's Voucher for Office Rent, was received, I think, at the same time corrected. It is now at Austin awaiting your approval. With reference to the endorsement of Gen. Doubleday, I have merely to say, that the application of Col. Montgomery for permission to rent an office, instead of being forwarded from office of A.A.A.G. to Gen. Doubleday direct, was left at this office, where it remained until called for by the Board, which held no meeting from the 5 March to the 23 May, 1867.

It is not the object of this communication to reciprocate personalities with Col Montgomery, but when he asserts "that the sole cause of my delay in the forwarding of report and return from this office, except in the irregularities of the mails, has been caused by the neglect if not the incompetency, of Lt. Garretson. A.A.Q.M. & D.O." I am entitled to ask, whether it was to any neglect or incompetency, that no "Report of Persons" was made by Col Montgomery for March, that his Report April, May & June, and his vouchers for which there should have been an authority were all incorrect that it was not until correct vouchers were transmitted for his signature, and instructions as to the mode of correcting his reports, were conveyed to him, that his Reports and certified accounts in favor of W.J. Goodman were ultimately received at this office, on the 5 Oct 1867 for transactions up to the 30th June 1867. Col Montgomery's Report, accounts and