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[[5 columned table]]
| No | Names | Duties | Date of Death | Cause |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | Bt Maj Gen Chs Griffin | Asst. Commissioner | 1867 Sept 15 | Yellow fever |

| 2 | Bt Lt. Col. Geo Taylor | Chief Med. Officer | Augt 9 | Yellow fever |

| 3 | Bt Lt. Col J D. O'Connell | S.A. Com. | Sept 16 | Yellow fever |

| 4 | Capt L.H. Warren | S.A. Com. | Sept 18 | Yellow fever |

| 5 | Bt Maj Saml Adams | Chief Med. Officer | Sept 9 | Yellow fever |

| 6 | 1st Lt. A.B. Bonnafon | S.A. Com. | July 12 | Yellow fever |

| 7 | 2nd Lt Saml P. Vons | S.A. Com. | Sept 21 | Yellow fever |

| 8 | James C. Devine | Inspector | Augt. 13 | Yellow fever |

| 9 | P.F. Duggan | S.A. Com. | Oct 13 | Yellow fever |

| 10 | Jno. Williamson | S.A. Com. | May 29 | Thrown from Horse |

| 11 | Louis H. Jacobs | S.A. Com. | June 17 | Unknown |

| 12 | Thos J Kurtz | Clerk | Sept 12 | Yellow fever |

| 13 | Jas Hadden | Clerk | Sept 17 | Yellow fever |

| 14 | L J Warner | Clerk | Sept 20 | Yellow fever |

| 15 | Jas. F. Jameson | Teacher | Oct 11 | Yellow fever |

| 16 | Geo W. Hewitt | Teacher | July 12 | Yellow fever |

| 17 | Saml Hudson | Teacher | Augt. 6 | Yellow fever |

N.B. Besides the above there and at the Head quarters of the Asst Com. 5 Enlisted men - 2 Clerks and 3 orderlies. Other enlisted men on duty in the Bureau have died at various stations. The exact number is not known.

Rations issued
I submit the following report of rations issued during the year with cost of the same.

[[5 columned table]]
| Month | No of persons to whom rations were issued | No of Rations issued | Cost of Rations | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Nov. 1866. | 18 | 600 | $90.00 |   |

| Dec 1866. | 23 | 775 | 116.25 |   |

| Jan 1867 | 22 | 744 | 111.60 |   |

| Feb 1867 | 3 | 34 | 8.08 |   |

| April 1867 | 1 | 15 | 3.56 |   |

| Totals | 67 |   | $329.49 |   |

Q.M. & D.O.
I also submit for your information a report showing the receipt and disbursements of the A.A.Q.M. & D.O. during the year:-

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