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Hundreds of freedpeople have been murdered and thousands mutilated since the war closed yet the perpetrators of these deeds go unpunished. [[?]] many cases have been noticed by the civil authorities and action taken under the laws but as far as any results have followed save in acquitting the offenders or putting a bar to further action in the case through the manipulations of the law the action of the courts of the State has been farcical and productive of no results whatever except to demonstrate what I have just asserted. 
While such is the case with offences against the freedpeople the reverse is true as applied to them The civil courts have dealt with them rigorously, cruelly and unjustly. having no charity for them in their weakness and ignorance and ignoring their early education which taught them that the sum of all punishment was a whipping they have been prosecuted for offences of all sorts, many real but crimes of low degree — others having no foundation save in the breasts of those who originated them — the result is that the states prison is filled to overflowing, Gov Pease, the new appointed under the reconstruction laws [[?]] Throcknorton has already commenced an investigation of each particular case and under it no doubt many will be pardoned. A representation of the conditions of affairs existing was made to the lately removed Executive of the state but failed to impress upon him the fact that any wrong was being done this unfortunate race of people.
While there is so much to record of wrongs inflicted and injustice done these victims of the rebellion that reflects to the dishonor of those in whose hands their freedom found them. There are many honourable exceptions and throughout the State [[witnesses?]] are every day multiplying to show that the [[strikethrough]] freed [[/strikethrough]] people are gradually but surely awakening to a sense of justice toward them and their duties to them. I am your Obt Servt
J J Reynolds
Bvt Major Gen U.S.A.
Asst Commissioner

Hd qrs BRF & A.L.
State of Texas
Austin City Nov 25. 1867
[[left margin]] Van Horne [[/left margin]] Lt Wm.
S.A.C. Houston,
[[left margin]] 287/579. [[/left margin]] Sir
I am directed by the asst Com. to acknowledge receipt of [[strikethrough]] your [[/strikethrough]] report of your action taken in the case of Sarah Bryant vs. G Alex'r Ramsey, and to state that your action is sanctioned at these Hd. Qrs. you will inform Mr Ramsey accordingly
It is desirable that you forward as soon as possible Hd. Qrs. the name of some suitable person to fill the office of Justice of the Peace in place of Hy. Brashear

very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J.P. Richardson
1st Lt 26 Infy A.A.A.G


Hd Qrs B.R.F. & A.L.
State of Texas
Austin City Nov

[[left margin]] Gray [[/left margin]] Hon B.W.
Mount Pleasant,
[[left margin]] 323/451. [[/left margin]] My dear Sir:—
You are authorized to take such steps in addition to your previous labors in collecting evidence, as may be necessary to bring the "Waco Manufacturing Comp.y" before the next turn of the U.S. District Court for final disposition
[[left margin]] [[strikethrough]] L.R.G 40. [[/strikethrough]] [[/left margin]]
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
J J Reynolds
Bt. Maj. Genl. U.S.A.
Asst. Comr.