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Hd Qrs Dist of Texas
Austin, Dec. 13. 1867

Emerson Capt. J. J.
26 Infy. Waco. Tex.

Your report of Abd Lands is herewith returned for correction & signature.

In your report for the month of August you state there are 78 acres of land cultivated, 200 acres of Woodland, and 76 acres cleared, giving a total of 554 acres, while for the month of November you only report 200 acres of Woodland

You also omit in your November report the "Foundry", one Frame Store and 1/4 share in ferry plying between Waco and East Waco, which are reported for the month of August

By order of
Bt Maj Gen. J J Reynolds
J. P. Richardson
1st Lt. 26. Inf. A.A.A.G. 

New Orleans, La
Dec 17th 1867.

Howard Mayor Genl O. O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C. 

I have the honor to invite your attention to a plan for disposing of the civil employees now in the B.R.F.& AL, as follows.

To replace the Sub-assts throughout the State of Texas by county officers as rapidly as such officers can be found who are proper persons for the positions, It is not proposed to pay the new appointees any salary: their renumeration will consist of charges authorized by, or assimilated to those now provided by the State laws for Services similar to those required of Sub-asst's.
It is believed that this plan will save much money and secure a more harmonious & satisfactory administration of the Bureau than can be obtained under the present systems_

I will return to Texas in a few days to make this proposition for your consideration from this place in order to save time, 

I have the honor to be, 
General, Very Respectfully, 
Your Obt Servt,
J J Reynolds
Bt Major General, 
Asst. Commsr


Hd qrs Dist of Texas
B.R.F & A.L
Austin, Dec, 21. 1867.

Sinclair W. H.
Insp. R.R. &c, State of Texas,

Par. II, S.O. No 102, C.S. From these Hd Qrs, is so amended as to include the Co of Colorado.

You will investigate the charges preferred against Enon M Harris, S.a.C. by Mrs. Lillie F. Jameson, late teacher at Colanbus, and report the result of such investigation,

By order of.
Bt Maj. Genl, J. J. Reynolds,
Bt Capt. & 1 Lt 17 Inf.

Hd Qrs. Dist. of Texas
B.R.F & A.L.
Austin, Dec, 24. 1867.

Randlett Capt N. H. 16 Regt V.R.C.

Enclosed you find the order of General Grant mustering you out of service-

A request has been made to General Howard to have you appointed a civilian agent of the Bu. at the highest salary paid; and should you desire to accept the appointment you will continue on duty as S.a.C. as heretofore.

By order of 
Bt. Maj. Genl, J. J. Reynolds 
Bt. Capt. & 1st Lt 17 Infy.