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232  233

Headqrs Dist. of Texas.
Bureau R.F & A.L
Austin, Texas, Jany 29. 1868.

Fowler Byron Esq.
Sub asst Comsr
Bastrop, Texas.

Maria Clark (fw) whose complaint is enclosed living on Johnson Jones' land near Dick Davis in Bastrop County.

Please investigate the case and take such action as justice may require.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J. P. Richardson
1 Lieut 26 Inf

Headqrs, Dist, of Texas
Bureau RF & AL
Austin, Tex. Jany. 29. 1868

Gillem Bt Maj  Genl A. C.
Asst. Commissioner &c
Vicksburg, Miss:

In compliance with your request of the 14 inst I send you by this mail a complete file of General Orders and Circulars issued from Bureau Headquarters, in this State, during the year 1867. Hereafter they will be sent you when issued,

Would be pleased to receive a file issued from your Headquarters during the past year, as well as those that may be in the future.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J J Reynolds
Bt Maj General U.S.A. 
Asst Commissioner
State of Texas.
See L.R. G. 37

Head qrs Dist of Texas
Bureau R.F & A.L
Austin, Texas, Jany 21. 1868

Morse 1 Lt E. C.
A.A.A.G. Dist. of Texas,
Austin Texas.

[[note]] Not Sent [[/note]]
I have the honor to request that Private Geo Webb Co "F" 17 Infy detailed for duty in the Office of the Asst. Commissioner on Par VI. Special orders No 103. Series of 1867. District of Texas, be relieved from duty and ordered to report to his company Commander.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt St
J. P. Ricardson
1st Lieut 26 Inf
A.A.A. Genl.

Head. qrs Dist of Texas
Bureau. R.F & A.L
Austin, Texas, Jany 31. 1868

Butler James P. Esq.
Sub asst com
Huntsville, Texas,

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 24 inst. and am directed by the Asst Commissioner to inform you that your letter of the 31 Decr has been forwarded to Head qrs. Fifth Milty Dist, with a recommendation that Burgess be removed and Baldwin appointed in  his place,

The Asst Commissioner directs that you take Burgess before the County Judge or some other competent Magistrate and have him put under bond to appear at the next term of the District Court to answer to the charge of the assault upon you, If the civil authorities neglect or refuse to act, then you will continue to hold him, and report to this Hd Qrs.

Report also what action the civil authorities take

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26 Inf

See L.R. B 74.