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236  237

Headquarters, Dist. of Texas
Bureau. R.F. & A.L
Austin, Texas, Jany 31. 1868.

Homer Arthur B,
Sub asst. Comsr.
Columbia, Texas.

Yours of the 27 Inst stating that J J Rhodes Justice of the Peace, refuses to hear any case unless the parties making the complaint first deposite with him funds sufficient to cover the costs, and asking instructions (what to do) in the case of freedman is received

The asst: Commissioner has forwarded your communication to General Howard, Commissioner, and any instructions received in this case will forwarded you.

Very Respectfully
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut. 26 Inf
A. A. A. Genl.

Headquarters, Dist of Texas.
Bureau R.F & A.L
Austin, Texas, Feby 1st, 1868.

Porter Capt. Byron,
Sub. Asst. Comsr.
Bastrop, Texas.

I am directed by General Reynolds to refer the enclosed communication to you for a careful investigation and report.

The General [[strikethrough]] wishes [[/strikethrough]] desires to know first, if the facts set forth are true and then whether any active has been taken by the civil authorities, and what? If no action has been taken why not?

It is the purpose of the General Commanding to require the civil authorities to do their duty in all cases where it is possible, so to do, and if it impossible to know the reason why.

I am Capt.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut. 26 Inf
A. A. A. Genl.

See L.R. M.136.

Head qrs Dist of Texas
Bureau R.F & A.L
Austin, Texas. Feby. 3 1868.

Hancock & West Esqrs.
Attorneys for Waco Manf. Co.

I am directed by the Asst Commissioner to notify you that instructions have been received at this Head quarters from General Howard as to the disposition of the property claimed by the Waco Manufacturing Company.

If you will call at this office I will show you the instructions, made I understand with the concurrance of Mr. Earl

I am Gentlemen
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26 Inf
A.A.A. Genl

Head qrs. Dist. of Texas
Bureau R.F & A.L
Austin, Texas. Feb 4 1868

Randall J.L
Sub Assist. Comr.
Sterling, Texas.

I am directed by the Asst Commissioner to acknowledge receipt of your report of the action taken in the case of Marcus Jordan v.s. McClindon & Co. and to say that the report is satisfactory and your action approved.

You will notify the parties interested, of this decision

I am, Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J.P. Richardson
1 Lieut. 26 Inf.
A.A.A. General

See L.R C.36.