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240  241

Head qrs. Dist of Texas
Bureau R.F&A.L
Austin, Texas. Feb 7. 1868.

Rock W. H,
Bureau Agent
Richmond, Texas.


Turn Josiah King over to the civil authorites, if you have received orders relieving your soldiers it must be at once obeyed, full report in King's case by Mail without delay,

J J Reynolds
Bt. Maj. Gen. U.S.A
Asst Comsr

LR R 128

Head qrs. Dist of Texas.
Bureau R.F&A.L
Austin, Texas, Feb. 8. 1868.

Howard Maj. Gen. O. O.
Commissioner &c 
Washington, D.C.

I have the honor to request that the appointment of Mr Enon M Harris as a Clerk of this Bureau made July 24. 1866 may be reworked to take effect of February 29" 1868.

I am, Genl. Very Resp:
Your Obt Servt:
J J Reynolds
Bt Major Gen U.S.A
Asst: Commissioner
State of Texas.

Filed in T.

Head qrs. Dist of Texas
Bureau R.F&A.L
Austin, Texas, Feby 10. 1868.

Howard Maj Gen. O. O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.

Share this honor to request that I may be furnished with fifteen (15) copies each of the following Circulars issued from War Dept Bureau Refugees. Freedmen and Abandoned Lands Washington Nos 2. 5. 7. 8. 11. 14. 19 & 20, Series of 1865. and Nos 6. 7. 11 & 12 Series of 1866.

I am, Genl, Very Resp: &c
J J Reynolds
Bt Maj. Gen: USA, Asst Commissioner


Head qrs. Dist of Texas
Bureau R.F&A.L
Austin, Texas, Feb. 10. 1868.

Porter Byron
Sub Asst Com.

Referring to your letter of the 7th inst: I am directed by the Asst Commissioner to say that you will answer the civil Writ in person and show to the civil officers the order under which you acted Cir: Letter of June 21. 1867. Headquarters, Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands State of Texas, and Sec 3 of the Act of Congress passed July 16. 1866.

The military protection guaranteed to officers of the Bureau in the above cited law of Congress is hereby extended to you  The Civil authority of the State of Texas will respect this letter and discontinue proceedings for any act done in your official capacity [[strikethrough]] or for any act done in your official capacity [[/strikethrough]] for any improper acts done under color of said official capacity the same may be represented to these Head quarters and will receive attention and such orders as the case may demand

You will represent at once the action of the civil authority in this case.

I am, Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J. P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. Inf.
A.A.A. Genl.

L.R P 36. & 41

Head qrs. Dist of Texas.
Bureau R.F&A.L
Austin, Texas, Feb 10. 1868.

Bascom Bt Maj. G. M.
S.a.C Galveston.

Enclosed you find a communication taken from the "Galveston Civilian" dated, Dallas, Texas, Jany 9. 1868. signed "A Union Man" which has been referred to Bt Major Genl Reynolds by order of Maj Gen Hancock Commanding 5th Military District.

The Asst Commissioner directs that you call upon the Editors or Publishers of the "Civilian" and learn the author of the Article alluded to and any other information that you may be able to furnish, that this case may receive proper investigation.