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Head Qrs Dist. of Texas,
Bureau R,F & A.L
Austin, Texas, Feb. 20, 1868,

Hartsuff Bt. Brig. Genl. Geo. L.
A.A.A. Genl 5 Milty Dist.
New. Orleans, La:

I have the honor to forward a draft of an order which I propose to issue for the guidance of Bureau Agents in this State. Please submit it to General Hancock; if approved by him, it will be issued immediately.

While the Bureau has legal existence it must be reorganized, and the freedpeople cannot be properly prevented from appealing to the Agents for advice and action.

The Agents have no troops, and to give their offices any efficiency it is necessary that the Civil officers of the State should understand that Bureau Agents are acting under the laws of Congress, and that the civil officers must execute all writs issued by said Agents.

I am, General Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt
J J Reynolds
Bt. Maj. General U.S.A
Asst. Commissioner
State of Texas

General Orders.

I. The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands is established by the laws of Congress, and the Agents of the Bureau derive their authority for official action from the same source. To insure greater uniformity of action and for the general information and guidance of Agents and Citizens this order is promulgated.

II. The duties of Agents of this Bureau (excepting the case of Refugees and Abandoned Lands) are restricted to cases wherein freedpeople are concerned. In such cases Agents will exercise the jurisdiction attaching to the offices of County Judge and Justice of the Peace under the laws of the State. 

III. Sheriffs and Constables will execute all writs issued by Bureau Agents the same as if such writs had issued from a civil court of this state - their fees to be charged and collected as provided by state laws for similar services

IV. Agents of this Bureau will charge no fees for any services rendered by them.

V. Agents of this Bureau will not adjudicate cases between individuals involving more than five hundred dollars, cases of greater magnitude will be referred to the civil Courts. Bureau Agents will give advice, and if necessary, personal supervision in such cases. They will no no case impose a fine of more than One hundred dollars — such fines to be imposed only for violation of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] law.

VI. Appeal will lie from the decision of a Bureau Agent to the Asst Commissioner at this Headquarters - notice of appeal to be served on the opposite party.

VII. Any disregard of this order on the part of Civil Officers of the State will be promptly reported to this Office.

By Command of
Bvt. Major General J.J. Reynolds,
J.P. Richardson
1st. Lieut. 26' Inf.
A.A.A. Genl.


Headqrs, Dist of Texas
Bureau. R. F & A.L
Austin, Texas, Feb 20. 1868.

Petit Mr. E.
Plentitude, Anderson Co. Texas,

Your communication to General Hancock dated Jany. 24. 1868 has been referred to these Headquarters.

No such order as you refer to has been issued by Genl. Hancock or by his authority.

Your letter contains the following statement:—
"A Sub Agent sends a file of soldiers and takes from a "lady (whose husband had been compelled to flee the neighborhood) not only the bedding, but all the clothing of herself - not leaving her family a bed or one change of clothing; and all this for the benefit of a freedman [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] whom the husband owed a small balance."

I am directed by the General Commanding to request that you will send to these Headquarters the name of the Agent of the Bureau referred to with affidavits establishing the truth of the charge contained in your letter.

I am, Very Respectfully.
Your Obt Servt
J.P. Richardson
1st. Lieut, 26, Inf
A.A.A. Genl

Transcription Notes:
[[left margin]] removed, as it breaks up names and readability of letter