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258  259


Headqrs. Dist of Texas
Bureau, R. F & AL
Austin Texas. Feby. 21. 1868.

Collins Capt. Edw D.
Sub. Asst. Com.
Brenham, Texas,
L.R. C46. 

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of a letter addressed Lieut Morse dated Feby 15. 1868.

The Asst Commissioner directs that you make full report in the case of the woman released from jail, and the men fined for obeying your orders, the amount taken from them &c

also make separate recommendations with regard to the Mayor and Justice of the Peace and recommend proper persons to replace them.
I am Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
J.P. Richardson
1st. Lt 26 Inf
A.A.A. Genl


Headqrs. Dist. of Texas
Bureau, R. F & A.L.
Austin, Texas, Feby 21. 1868.

Griffin T.C.
County Judge Kaufman Co,

The Asst Commissioner desires to appoint you an Agent of this Bureau and assigns you to duty as Sub-Asst. Commissioner for the 39th Sub-District in place of S.H. Sinclair relieved.

Should you accept this appointment you will receipt to Lt Lincoln for the orders, records or other property pertaining to the Bureau at Kaufman: notifying this Office of your acceptation and immediately enter upon your duties.

If you accept this office (holding that of Co Judge also) your salary will be $50.00 per month.

In case you decline the appointment, the Asst Comm'r. desires that you recommend some one for the position. The appointee must be one who can take the oath prescribed by the act of Congress approved July 2. 1862. copy enclosed.

The oath will be sworn and subscribed to before some competent authority to administer an oath and return to this office should you accept the appointment

Very Resp &c
J.P. Richardson
1st Lt 26 Inf AAA Genl.


Headqrs Dist of Texas
Bureau R. F & A.L
Austin, Texas. Feby 2. 1868

Brown De Witt C.
Sub Asst Com
Paris, Lamar, Co,

In order to make as full and complete the records of this Headquarters relative to Homicides, and other outrages committed from June 1865 up the time you commenced reporting the same from your station, the Asst Commissioner directs that you furnish this office with such information as you may be able to obtain in regard to such occurrences. Give name of both parties or of one in each case if you can, but if this cannot be done, state the facts and such circumstances as you can gather.— You will have to get your information from union people and freed, and it is very desirable that you make as complete report as you possibly can.

Do not wait to complete the list but send the cases when you have information of a dozen or more.

The records of the Office. of outrages in your District previous to the time you were on duty there, are very incomplete and it is expected that you will use all diligence in furnishing the report called for.

In each case reported state the year in which the offense was committed - exact date if practicable, action of the civil authorities &c

The report is expected to include, whipping, knocking down, pounding, burning of houses of freedmen &c &c.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26 Inf.
A.A.A. Genl.

Copies furnished the following
469 John H Archer 246/494
470 Jno H. Morrison 327.
471 W.H. Horton 424/511
472 John Dix 366
473 S.H. Starr 322/489
474/535. W.G. Kirkman 233/535

Transcription Notes:
[[left margin]] removed to preserve full names for searchability