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Headqrs District of Texas
Bureau R.F & A.L
Austin, Texas, March 7. 1868

Howard Maj. Gen. O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.
L.R.G 44 (Filed with)

I have the honor to transmit herewith a letter from Judge B.W. Gray, together with his account for services rendered by order of Bt. Maj. Gen. Griffin, in investigating the title of the Waco Manufactory Company.

It will be seen by papers taken to your Headquarters by General Howe in Dec'r. last, that an agreement was made by Lieut. Kirkman, A.A.A. Genl. to pay Judge Gray for his services, one tenth of the proceeds of the Waco Factory, it was supposed then that the Factory would sell at from Twenty to Thirty thousand dollars, but it has been disposed under directions from you for three thousand, to be paid at the rate of $500.00 per month.

The services were actually rendered by Judge Gray, and a reasonable sum should be paid him. I would respectfully ask for instructions in the matter, remarking only that $5000.00 as claimed, seems altogether too much for the services.

I am General,
Very Respectfully 
Your Obt. Servt.
J.J. Reynolds
Bvt Maj. Genl. U.S.A.
Asst Commissioner
State of Texas.


Headqrs. Dist. of Texas. B.R.F. & A.L.
Austin, Texas, March 9. 1868.

Whittemore Bt Maj. E.W.
S.A.C. Seguin, Texas.

The Asst Commissioner directs that you allow Bt. Maj. Geo. W. Smith, former Sub. Asst. Com. at Seguin to freely examine the records and papers in your Office and to make any copies of the same that he may deem necessary to facilitate his defense.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut 26. Inf
A.A.A. Genl.


Headqrs. Dist. of Texas.
Bureau, R.F. & A.L.
Austin, Texas, March 9, 1868.

Gray Judge B.W.
Jefferson, Texas,

I am directed by the Asst. Commissioner to acknowledge receipt of your letter enclosing account against the United States for services rendered concerning the "Waco Factory"

Your account has been forwarded to Maj. Gen O.O. Howard Commissioner and you will be informed of the action as soon as it is taken.

I am Sir. Very Respectfully
Your Obt Svt
J.P. Richardson
1 Lieut 26 Inf
A.A.A. Genl.


Head Qrs. Dist. of Texas.
Bureua, R.F. & A.L.
Austin, Texas. March 9 1868

Oakes Bt. Brig Gen James.
Sub Asst. Com. 
Austin, Texas.

Information is desired concerning the children of Sinai Bell, formerly owned by William B Stone, of Stafford County, Va.; Matilda Munday, and her children, Lavinia, Ann, Lucinda, and Daniel, who were sold by Miss Mary E. Bronaugh of Washington, D.C. and Andrew, Lolace, Lucy and Dinah Bell who were sold by William B. Stone.

You will make diligent search for the above named freed persons, and if successful in finding all or any of them, report what information you may derive concerning them as soon as practicable to this office

By Command of Bt. Maj. Gen. JJ Reynolds.
J.P. Richardson
1 Lt. 26. Inf.

Copies furnished the following
Sub Asst Commissioner,
(See next page)

Transcription Notes:
[[left margin]] removed as it breaks up names