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[[two-column table]]

| --- | --- |

| JH Archer | Beaumont |

| Louis H. Stevenson | Columbus |

| Capt. G. Lancaster | Hempstead |

| W.H. Rock | Richmond |

| 1 Lt. W.M. Van Horne | Houston |

| F.W. Reinhard | Crockett. |

| Bt. Ja. LH Sanger | Woodville |

| Jas. Lowrie | Jasper |

| 1 Lt. J.R. Fitch | Goliad |

| Capt. F.W. Bailey | Indianola |

| N.H.B. Jenkins | Wharton |

| A.B. Horner | Columbia |

| Bt. Maj. G.M. Buscom | Galveston |

| Wm. G. Kirkman | Boston |

| Capt. H.F. McLean | Mt. Pleasant |

| Chas. F. Rand | Clarksville |

| Alex. Ferguson | Nacogdoches |

| 1 Lt. H.E. Scott | Sherman |

| A.H. Cox | Liberty |

| JL Randall | Sterling |

| A N Metzner | San Augustine |

| W H Horton | Dallas |

| Lt. E. Turnock | Centreville |

| Bt Brig Gen J.S. Mason | San Antonio |

| Bt Maj E W Whittlemore | Seguin |

| 1 Lt HC Peterson | Lockhart |

| Byron Porter | Bastrop |

| Capt E. Collins | Brenham |

| N H Randlett | Bryan City |

| John Dix | Corpus Christie |

| Mt Maj Gen A.M.D. McCook | Brownsville |

| Thos. C Griffin | Kaufman |

| De Witt C Brown | Paris |

| Chas. Haughn | Waco |

| 1 Lt. A.G. Malloy | Marshall |

| Bt Maj. R.P. Wilson | Cotton Gin |

| John H Morrison | Palestine |

| 1 Lt. G Barrett | Tyler |

| Hiram Clarke 216. | Clinton |

| 1 Lt. P. Stevens. | Hallettsville |

| Bt Maj PE Holcomb | Helena |

| Jas P Butler | Huntsville |

[[end of table]]


Headqrs Dist of Texas
Bureau R.F & AL
Austin, Texas, March 10. 1868.

[[left margin]] Howard [[/left margin]] Maj Genl. O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.
[[left margin]] 491/496 [[/left margin]] General,
I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of Special Orders Nos. 15, 16, 17 & 18. Current series issued from Head. qrs. Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for this State,

I am, General.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J J Reynolds
Bt. Maj. Gen. U.S.A
Asst Commissioner
State of Texas.



Head qrs, Dist of Texas
Bureau R.F & A.L
Austin, Texas. March 10. 1868

[[left margin]] Howard [[/left margin]] Maj. Genl. O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington, D.C.
[[left margin]] 495/498 [[/left margin]] I have the honor to request that Mr. Thomas. C. Griffin be appointed an Agent of this Bureau, at a salary of Fifty dollars per month, to take effect Mar 4. 1868
[[left margin]] Filed in F. [[/left margin]]
I am. General,
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Svt
J J Reynolds
Bt Maj. Gen. U.S.A
Asst Commmissioner
State of Texas.


Head qrs Dist of Texas
Bureau R.F. & A.L
Austin, Texas, March 11./1868

[[left margin]] Chandler [[/left margin]] Capt. R.
Asst Sec'y for Civil Affairs
New Orleans. La.
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your [[left margin]] 439 [[/left margin]] letter of the 3 inst, stating that the draft of an order to be issued from the Bureau Office of this State, is disapproved by the Major General Commanding 5th. Military District.
The records of the Bureau, the reports received from the Agents, the complaints of Citizens, personal interviews with the agents and an examination of the file of orders and instructions from this Headquarters on Bureau business previous to October 1867, show that the affairs of this branch of the public service are in the greatest confusion. 
The object of the order above referred to, was to introduce uniformity of action among the Agents while maintaining their legitimate authority and limiting their jurisdiction so as to preclude the possibility of their actions being oppressive.
The order was matured after much reflection and consultation with men of standing of different proclivities. It was hoped the order might initiate the placing of freedmens affairs wholly in the hands of the civil authorities of the State.