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Head qrs Dist of Texas
Bureau RF & A.L.
Austin, Texas. April 14, 1868

Howard Maj Genl. O. O.
Commissioner &c.
Washington, D.C.
LR H. 172

Referring to first paragraph of your letter of 26" ult. I respectfully invite attention to enclosed letters from Col Sinclair. Nothing has come to my knowledge to warrant the statement that Col. Sinclair has in any manner opposed the Reconstruction Laws, or has acted in bad faith as an officer of the Bureau. 
I am, General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
J J Reynolds
Bt Maj Genl U.S.A
Asst Commissioner
State of Texas.

Head qrs Dist of Texas
Bureau of R.F.& A.L.
Austin, Texas April 15. 1868

Sewell F.D.
Bt. Brig. Genl.
Insp. Genl.
Houston, Texas

General Reynolds directs me to say that our A.A.A. Genl. is absent as witness in Court martial and that I am performing his duties, therefore cannot be spared to meet you immediately but will report as soon as possible on his return - He directs me to ask if you will not come here?

(Signed) Wm. H. Sinclair

Head qrs, Dist of Texas
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Austin, Texas April 17. 1868

Stevenson Louis W.
Sub. Asst. Com
Columbus Texas

The Asst. Commissioner directs that you obtain the accounts Enon M. Harris (late Sub Asst Com. at Columbus) which he left unsettled; requesting his creditors to make affidavits to the correctness of the same, which you will forward to these Headquarters as soon as practicable.

The affidavits can be taken before you. - Also include the subscriptions made by individual for school purposes and the disposition made by Mr. Harris of the funds.

I am, Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
J.A. Roberts
Bt. Capt. U.S.A. A.A.A.G.

Head qrs, Dist of Texas
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Austin, Texas April 17. 1868

Mallory Lyman Esq.
Galveston, Texas.

Your favor of he 13th inst. enclosing affidavit of Mr. J.B. Earle, President of the "Waco Manufacturing Company", is received. Its contents have been carefully considered. In reply, I have to state, that the agreement with Mr. Erle (a copy of which is enclosed) was made with the sanction of General Howard, and was merely the acceptance of terms proposed by Mr. Earle himself. By the terms of this contract Mr. Earle binds himself to pay to the Disbursing Officer, B.R.F.& A.L. State of Texas, $3000. in lawful currency, payment to be made in monthly installments of $500. each. First payment to be made April 15, 1868. So soon as the terms of the contract are complied with, all claims held by the Government against the "Waco Manufacturing Company" will be abandoned, and the property finally released - Should however Mr. Earle fail to comply with the terms of this contract the property will be sold at Auction, as provided in the agreement.

Froom your letter it would appear that you were entirely familiar with the understanding existing at the time the above arrangements wee effected, and it is therefore though unnecessary to recite the circumstances which influenced General Howard, and