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Head qrs. Dist of Texas.
Bureau, R.F & A.L
Austin, Texas. May 8, 1868.

Horton Wm. H.
Sub asst Com.
Bastrop, Texas.
Filed in R

Find if you can some man that can make affidavit before a civil officer or yourself that Charles Perkins aided or committed the murder of Nathan Black, have a warrant issued in due form for his arrest.
Notify this office that a warrant exists that action may be taken.

By command of,
Bt. Maj. Genl. Reynolds.
J P Richardson
1 Lt. 26. Inf.
A.A.A. Genl.

Head qrs. Dist of Texas.
Bureau R.F & A.L
Austin, Texas. March 9. 1868

Bennett Capt Clarence. E.
17 Inf. Judge Advocate
San Antonio, Texas.
L.R (B 124)

In compliance with your letter of the 4th inst. I am directed by the Asst Commissioner to enclose four certified copies of orders issued to Bt. Maj. Geo. W. Smith formerly Sub Asst Commissioner at Seguin, Texas, authorizing him to levy fines upon citizens for misdemeanor.

I am, Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servt.,
J.P. Richardson,
1 Lieut, 26 Inf.,
A.A.A. Genl

Head qrs. Dist of Texas.
Bureau R.F & A.L.
Austin, Texas. May 11. 1868.

Howard Maj. Genl O.O.,
Commissioner &c
Washington, D.C.
Filed in T

I have the honor to request that Mr. Thomas H. Baker may be appointed an Agent of this Bureau at a salary of One hundred dollars per month to take effect May 16, 1868.

I desire to assign Mr. Baker to duty as Sub Asst. Com. at Lockhart, Texas, in place of Lt. Peterson, about to be relieved.

I am General
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt
J J Reynolds,
Bt Major Genl. U.S.A.,
Asst. Commissioner,
State of Texas.

Head qrs. Dist of Texas.
Bureau R.F & A.L.
Austin, Texas, May 11, 1868.

Jenkins Nesbitt B.
Sub Asst. Com.
Wharton, Texas.
L.R. (J61)

In reply to your communication of the 2nd inst, I would state that Co "D" 7th is stationed at Fort Richardson, Jack County, Bt Lt Col W.B. Pease commanding, Co "C" 17 Inf at Fort Griffin Shakelford County, Bt Maj. L.H. Sanger, comdg. and Co "H" 35 Inf. at Fort Mason, Mason County, Bt Maj. P E Holcombe comdg

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J.P. Richardson
1 Lieut 26 Inf.,