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Head qrs. Dist. of Texas.
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Austin, Texas, June 22, 1868.

Barrett Lieut Gregory
Sub Asst. Com

L.R. B.164

In reply to your communication of the 13 inst. I am directed by General Reynolds to say that under the circumstances he does not deem it advisable to take possession of the property referred to.

I am, Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
Charles A. Vernou
2 Lieut, 4 Cav.

Head qrs. Dist. of Texas.
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Austin, Texas, June 22, 1868.

King Mr. H.C.
Houston, Texas
L.R. R168

I am in receipt of your communication of the 14 inst. asking to be appointed Sub Asst Com'r at Huntsville, Texas.

There is no vacancy at that station at present.

I am, Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
Charles A. Vernou
2 Lieut, 4 Cav.

Head qrs. Dist. of Texas.
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Austin, Texas, June 23, 1868.

Metzner A.A.
Sub. Asst. Com. for 17 Sub. Dist.
Austin, Texas.

Having reported at these Headquarters without authority you will at once return to your station, and resume the duties of your office.

By order of Bt. Maj. Gen. Reynolds
Charles A. Vernou
2 Lt. 4 Cav. A.A.A.G.


Head qrs. Dist. of Texas.
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Austin, Texas, June 23, 1868.

Randlett N.H.
Sub Asst Com.
Bryan City, Texas

Enclosed you find transportation orders for freedman "Wright" and family from Bryan City to Louisville, Ky, which you will hand him, in case he desires to use the, and give the proper instructions regarding this use, should he not avail himself of these orders they will be returned to this office.

Please acknowledge receipt of this communication.

By order of
Bt. Maj. Gen. Reynolds
Charles A. Vernou
2 Lieut 4 Cav.

Head qrs. Dist. of Texas.
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Austin, Texas, June 26, 1868.

Wood, F.P.
Sub. Asst. Com.
Brenham, Teas

L.R. W 63

Proceed at once to Hempstead, Texas, and investigate reported disturbance between whites and freed people.

Call upon Capt. Collins for one non-commissioned officer and one man for personal escort.

If, upon arrival at Hempstead, you think the presence of troops necessary, call upon Capt. Collins by telegram, who is hereby directed to furnish them upon your application, they to be commanded by a Commissioned Officer.

Show this to Capt. Collins.
This office will reimburse you for expenses incurred.

J.J. Reynolds Bt. Maj. Gen. U.S.A.
Asst. Commissioner
State of Texas.

Furnished a copy by mail and one also to Capt. Collins.

Transcription Notes:
correction: Charles A. Vernou