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368  369

Head qrs. Dist of Texas
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Austin Texas, August 3, 1868

Butler Mr. M.
Sub. Asst. Com.
San Augustine, Texas

I have the honor to return herewith your Oath of Office for correction.

It is necessary that the same be subscribed and sworn to before some duly authorized officer to administer an oath.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Serv't
Charles A. Vernou
2 Lieut 4 Cav.
A.A.A. Genl.

Head qrs. Dist. of Texas.
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Austin Texas, Aug't 3 1868

Jenkins Nesbit B.
Sub. Asst. Com. Wharton, Texas.
L.R. S 69

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your communication of the 25 ult. and am directed by General Reynolds to tender his thanks to you and the men of Wharton County whom you mention are endeavoring to do their utmost to assist in preserving law and order in your Sub. District. 

It is not possible to send troops to Wharton at present, but General Reynolds thinks he will be able to do so at no distant day.

In the meantime, you will give the freed people assistance in bringing their offenders to justice as best you can with the aid of the civil officers. 

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Serv't
Charles A. Vernou
2 Lieut 4 Cav.
A.A.A. Genl.

Head qrs. Dist of Texas
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Austin, Texas. Aug't 3 1868

Rand Chas. F.
Sub. Asst. Com.
Clarksville Texas
L.R. R.179

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your communication of the 21 ult. and are directed by General Reynolds to tender his thanks to you and those assisting i ridding Texas of one of its desperadoes.

As soon as possible troops will be sent to your station. In the meantime it is desirable that you render the freed people such protection as you may be able to with the assistance of the civil authorities.

Hold his horse and equipment till further orders.

Your Obt. Serv't
Charles A. Vernou
2 Lieut 4 Cav.
A.A.A. Genl.

Head qrs. Dist of Texas
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Austin, Texas. Aug't 3 1868
Filed in T.

Howard Maj. General O.O.
Commissioner &c.
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to request that Mr. Michael Butler be appointed an agent of this Bureau in place of Mr. A.A. Metzner, discharged, at a salary of one hundred dollars per month, to take effect August 1st, 1868.

I am, General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt
J.J. Reynolds
Bt. Maj. General U.S.A.
Ass.t Commissioner
State of Texas.