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Head qrs. 5 Milty District State of Texas Bureau R.F.& A.L. Austin, Texas, Sept. 19, 1868.

Howard Maj. Genl. O.O. Commissioner &c. Washington, D.C.


I forward for your approval Special Orders No. 55 from this Headquarters dishonorably discharging Mr. Wm. H. Horton from the service of this Bureau. It is respectfully requested that it take effect this day.

Complaints against Mr. Horton, in reference to his conduct while Sub Asst. Comsr. at Dallas, have been made repeatedly during the past eight months and have been carefully investigated.  Charges of bribery are proved - that he received money from certain parties in Dallas for permission to sell intoxicating liquors within the corporate limits of the town of Dallas in violation of the Statute law.

Affidavits are herewith forwarded showing the dishonorable and disgraceful proceedings of Mr. Horton in using his official position for unlawful purposes. The proof is considered amply sufficient to warrant his trial by Military Commission, but the short period of duration of the Bureau and the cost which would necessarily attend his prosecution induce me to advise against such a course, believing that his summary dismissal will, under the circumstances, answer the ends of justice.
I have the honor to be, General, 
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Serv't
J J Reynolds
Bt. Maj. Gen. U.S.A.
Asst. Commissioner
State of Texas.

L.R. G77


Head qrs. 5 Milty District State of Texas  Bureau of R., F. & A.L., Austin, Texas. Sept. 19. 1868

Howard Maj. Genl. O.O., Commissioner &c Washington. D.C.


I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of Special Orders No. 54 & 55, current Series, issued from this Headquarters.

I am, General,
Very Respectfully, Your Ob't. Serv't., JJ Reynolds Bt Maj General U.S.A., Assistant Commissioner, State of Texas.

Head qrs 5 Milty. District State of Texas Bureau of R., F. & A.L. Austin, Texas, Sept. 19. 1868.

Horton Mr. Wm. H. Sub. Asst. Com. Bastrop. Texas.


I am directed by Assistant Commissioner to instruct you upon receipt of inclosed order to turn over the records of your office to Hon W.J. Allen, County Judge of Bastrop County and to forward your accounts, with oath of nonindebtedness, to this Head quarters for final settlement.

Very Respectfully, Your Ob't Serv't,
C.S. Roberts.
Bt. Capt. U.S.A., A.A.A. Genl.