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Headquarters Fifth Military District.
State of Texas Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Austin Texas Dec 19 1868

Mrs Mary F
Huntsville, Texas


In reply to your letter of the 10th inst I am directed by General Reynolds to say that he regrets his inability to furnish you transportation North as requested.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obit Servant
Charles Vernou
1st Lieut 4th Cavalry
Act. Asst. Adjt General.

Headquarters Fifth Military District.
State of Texas Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Austin Texas Dec 21, 1868.

Howard Maj. Gen. O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to forward herewith extracts from the reports of Sub. Asst Commissioners of the Bureau for the month of November 1868. relative to the condition of affairs in the State.

I am General Very Respectfully
Your Ob'd't Servant
J J Reynolds
Brevet. Major. General.
Asst Commissioner
State of Texas.


Headquarters Fifth Military District.
State of Texas. Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Austin. Texas. Dec 21. 1868.

Cundiff Mr W.H.
Crockett, Texas.


In reply to your letter of the 8th inst I am directed to say that the case of the freedchild will be left to the decision of Henry C. Lacy. Sub. Asst. Commissioner at Crockett, who will look at the best interests of the child in making his decision.

I am Very Respectfully,
Your Ob'd't Servant.
Charles A. Vernou
1st Lieut 4th Cavalry.
Act. Asst. Adjt. General.

Headquarters Fifth Military District
State of Texas. Bureau of R.F and A L.
Austin. Texas. Dec 21. 1868.

Howard Maj. Gen. O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington. D.C.


I have the honor to transmit herewith the following named reports for the month ending Nov. 30. 1868.

"Report of Citizen Agents and Clerks on duty."
"Report of changes among Officers and Agents."
"Monthly Return of Refugees."
"Monthly Return of Freedmen."
"Monthly Report of Lands."

I am, General, Very Respectfully
Your Ob'd't. Servant,
J J Reynolds
Brevet Major. General. U.S.A.
Asst Commissioner,
State of Texas.

Transcription Notes:
Added what I could. Stopped at 864, page 2 Corrected and completed ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-12 22:25:48