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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & A.L.,
State of Texas,
Austin, Texas, March 25, 1869,

Shorkley Bvt. Maj. George.
Captain 15th U.S. Inft.
Clarksville, Texas,

In your communication of Dec. 18, 1868, you state that you forwarded the records of the office of Sub Asst. Commissioner for Clarksville, Texas, by stage.

The records have not been received at this office and I am directed by the Asst. Commissioner to request you to take such steps as you may deem advisable to learn what disposition has been made of them to the end that they may be obtained and forwarded to this office.

Very respectfully,
your obdt. servant.
Charles A. Vernou
1st Lieut. 4th U.S. Cav.,
A.A.A. General.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & A.L.,
State of Texas,
Austin, Texas, March 25, 1869.

Hentig 1st Lieut. E.C.
6th U.S. Cav.
Sherman, Texas,

I have the honor to inquire if you have learned anything regarding the records of your office which you stated had been forwarded to these Headquarters some time since. They have not yet been received at this office.

I am, very respectfully,
your obdt servant,
Charles A. Vernou
1st Lieut. 4th U.S. Cav.,
A.A.A. Gen.


Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & A.L.,
State of Texas,
Austin, Texas, March 30, 1869,

Caziarc Lieut. Louis V.,
A.D.C. & A.A.A. General.
Fifth Military District,

I have the honor to request that I be relieved from duty as Acting Assistant Adjutant General of this Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of Texas, and ordered to join my company at Brownsville, Texas.

I am, very respectfully,
your obdt. servant.
Charles A. Vernou
1st Lieut. 4th U.S. Cav., A.A.A. General.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & A.L.,
State of Texas,
Austin, Texas, April 2, 1869.

Howard Bvt. Maj. Gen. O.O.
Commissioner &c.,
Washington, D.C.

I have the honor to transmit herewith the following named reports for the month ending March 31, 1889:
"Roster of Officers and Civilians on duty,"
"Return of Refugees,"
"Return of Freedmen,"
"Report of Lands,"

I am, General, very respect.,
your obdt. Servant.
(Sgd.) Ed. R. S. Canby,
Bvt. Maj. General. U.S.A.
Asst. Commissioner.
State of Texas.

C.S. Roberts,
Bvt. Capt. U.S.A., A.A.A. Gen.

Transcription Notes:
&c - abbreviation for etcetera Charles A. Vernou, not Vernon Louis V. Caziarc C.S. Roberts