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Office of Sub. Asst. Com.
Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Hempstead, Texas, Aug. 14, 1866.

Bvt. Col. Wm. H. Sinclair
A.A. General.


Recurring to a communication - which I enclose - forwarded by me on June 13th in compliance with instructions given me by the Asst. Commissioner, the object of said communication being to obtain horses for the use of the Bureau Agency at this place -, I would respectfully call the attention of the Asst. Com. to the fact that its purport was entirely misapprehended at Dept. Hd. Qrs., as will be seen by a re-perusal of the endorsement therefrom, which refers to men - not horses.

In connection with and in addition to said communication, I have the honor to submit that the removal of an entire Company from this Station did not