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It will however be observed by reference to the entered contract between "Penrice" & the Freedmen that the said Freedmen are entitled to "one third the entire crop" & from information I have gathered from the Freedmen (& from Crump who I believe has given me all the information in his power & who I believe is anxious that the Freedmen shall be secured their rights) I have every occasion to believe that "Penrice" purposes to cheat the Freedmen out of one third of the 80 Bales of Cotton which he has shipped to Galveston - It may at first appear that a seizure of one third of these 80 Bales would be sufficient to satisfy the just demand of these Freedmen this however is not so; as it will be observed by the Contract that "Penrice" agreed to furnish each Freedman and with 2 Suits of Clothes & two pairs of Shoes during the year - & as only one suit of clothes & one pair of Shoes has been furnished them. I think it best that the whole 80 Bales of Cotton should be