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I therefore made inquiries of John Watson (an employee of the Rail Road Co in charge of the Depot here in the absence of the Agent) who admitted that cotton has been shipped by them without permits, since they recd my order. Watson states further that Mr C.A. Burto Supt of the Road ordered him (Watson) to ship all cotton brought to him for transportation, unless he recd specific orders from me to stop any particular lot of cotton, described marks &c &c (and as Watson further stated his intention to obey the order of "Burton" regardless of any orders I might give; I at once made application to the County officer of the Post for a guard to enforce my orders; the guard was furnished, and a sentinal has been placed at the Depot this evening with instructions to allow no cotton to be placed upon the cars, except by a written order from me; this guard I propose to keep at the Depot untill I hear from you