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Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau of R.F. & A. L., State of Texas,
Hempstead, Texas, December 31st 1866

Bvt Maj Genl J.B. Kiddoo
Asst Comr Galveston Texas

In obedience to your order I have the honor to report that a Freedman named "Westly," reported to me on the 24th inst, that he has been employed by W. Mann, to erect a number of cabins the stipulated price being $800.00 & that for this work and other services rendered to Mann, & damage done to a Horse by Mann said Horse being the property of the Freedman "Westley"; the said Westly claims from Mann $1030.00; the Freedman complains that Mann would not settle with him, that he (Mann) has gone off, & that he feared if the crop was allowed to be shipped, he would not be able to get a settlement from Mann. Under these circumstances I considered the best plan to bring Mann to a settlement, would be to stop his Cotton which I did. I have however released it as per your order.

Respectfully your obdt Sevt
J.H. Archer
Sub Asst Comr