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Galveston Jany 24th 1867

Genl. Kiddo
Asst Commr. B.F. R. & A. L

Dear Sir
In the matter of Jay McKellar & Freedmen,

Order to retain one fourth whole crop for freedman, sell the same and distribute three fourths proceeds to freedmen

By this rule Freemen get in hand proceeds one & 7/8th bales cotton in controversy, rating Crop at 120 bales saved & fifty burned.

[[5 columned table]]
|   | McKellar | Freedmen | Gay |   |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Shares saved Cotton | 30 | 30 |  60 | 120 |
| Shares burned Cotton | 12½ | 12½ | 25 | 50 |

¼th of 170 is 42½  ¾ths is 31 7/8ths
Freedman's share saved 30
Excess 1.7/8th bales

Respectfully suggested to modify the order to distribute proceeds 30 bales and deposite proceeds remainder.

Very Respy
Edward T. Austin
for J.L. Gay