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Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau of R.F. & A, L., State of Texas,
Hempstead Tex Jany 21st, 1867

Bvt Maj Gen J.B. Kiddoo
Asst Comr Galveston, Texas

Please ascertain & notify me as soon as possible if "Shropshire & Henderson" of Galveston have received any instruction from John S. Penrice, (as agent) for his wife Amelia E. Penrice) relative to Forty One (41) bales of Cotton being consigned to them by said "Penrice" and if so, if they have yet received any & what portion of said cotton; the Freedpeople have (1/3) interest in those 41 bales of cotton and altho it may be that Penrice proposes to do what is right in settling with them yet as he has disposed of all his property except this cotton and is about to leave shortly for the North, I think it adviseable that the Consignees should be instructed not to pay over the proceeds untill you have received from them the Freedpeople's share. I will notify you in due course as to the amt more or less (as the case may be) than (1/3) one third still due the freedpeople, but cannot do so untill I have further investigated the accounts.

J.H. Archer
Sub Asst Comr

Transcription Notes:
Joseph Barr Kiddoo was Assistant Commissioner in Texas appointed in April 1866-Jan 1867, but not included in SI Staff roster.