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O.S.F.S. Recd Feb 22d 1867.

Office Supt Freedmen's Schools.
Bu R.F. and A.L.
Galveston, Texas. Feb 22d 1867.

Respectfully returned to Lt. Kirkman A.A. A.General Bu R.F. and A.L. Texas. with the information that the school in question, taught by Mr O'Regan, was some weeks since visited by the Asst Supt of Schools, who reported to me that he had found the school in a noisy and unsatisfactory condition.

I advised the Teacher of the need of improvement, and recommended to the Asst Supt again to visit the school after a lapse of two weeks; if he found a marked gain in order and discipline, the Teacher was to remain: if not, he was to be relieved from duty at Houston and located in Richmond, while other Teachers were to take his place in the former town.

The Asst Supt. on his return reported that he found Mr O'Regans school room in essentially the same boisterous and unimproved condition, and that he displaced him in consequence; at the same time tendering him the position at Richmond; the Teacher in angry terms refused to yield or to obey.

His name, therefore, has been stricken from the list of those Teachers receiving appointment and pay from this Bureau.  He is now, I am informed, conducting a private school in Houston.

As soon as a building, for which the Bureau Agent in Houston is now in treaty, can be rented and furnished, a school under the protection and pay of the Bureau will be established, which can effectually dispose of any opposition from outside or discontented parties.

E M Wheelock
Supt Freedmen's Schools.
Bu R.F. and A.L.
State of Texas.