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From these statements, and appeals to the sympathy of the people he has created quite a sentiment - in his favor. While they are anxious to cooperate with the Bureau they are so completely under his influence that they opened their church to him to the exclusion of the teachers sent to relieve him. I would respectfully recommend.

1st That Mr. Oregan be immediately relieved and that such action be taken as the circumstances may require, and that the colored people be officially notified of the fact

2nd That the church be rented by the Bureau for school purposes

3rd That the female teachers now in Houston unemployed be assigned to that school

4th That the colored people be assured if in the judgement of the Supt of schools a male teacher is required one will be furnished them

This I think will grant them all they ask, remove the present difficulty, and secure their cooperation

Very Respectfully
D. T Allen
Asst Supt. Schools