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There is in the city a building partially finished which if completed would make an excellent school house. The size is 22 x 36 feet. Walls of concrete with window and door frames. It requires windows, doors, roof, and seats. The floor would be made of concrete & be better than wood. In May 1867 Andrew Neal now an ally in Galveston gave a bond for a deed to the lot, upon condition the colored people would complete the building in one year from date of bond. The building was started but for want of funds was not completed and of course the bond is void. I learn Mr. Neal is still willing to give a deed, when the building is finished. The bond has a clause that the building should be used exclusively for worship. In case a new one is given this should not be inserted. If Mr. Neal will renew his bond, I would recommend that the bureau with such aid as the freedmen will be able to give, complete the building during the summer.

[[left margin]] have Wheelock get deed from Neal [[/Left Margin]]